Here is the latest Humble Mobile Bundle that we know mobile puzzle game addicts will love. After that bundle of Japanese RPGs from developers Kemco and HyperDevbox, here is one that lists some of the best puzzles you can ever play on your mobile device whether a smartphone or tablet. Puzzle games are always fun to play. They are the best time-wasters. You like to play them because they can be challenging and yet there really is no pressure to finish them in one seating.

For a minimum of one dollar, you can enjoy games like klocki, Hook, and Zenge from Humble Bendle. Pay $5 or more to unlock Deus Ex GO, Mini Metro, and Human Resource Machine.

For a minimum of $5.61, you can enjoy Slayaway Camp, A Good Snowman is Hard to Build and Concrete Jungle.

As of this writing, 86,462 Humble Mobile Bundles have been sold already. You still have 13 days to download the bundle and get the apps. Just pay the minimum amount you depending on the games that you want to play and enjoy.

You can also get a 10% discount off your first month of Humble Monthly and get the Zenge Soundtrack as a bonus.

SOURCE: Humble Bundle


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