Easter is still far away but Google is continuing on with the tradition of hiding “Easter Egg” on every platform or Android version. The first one we remember was that Nyan Cat Android on Ice Cream Sandwich followed by the Rocket Launcher also on ICS. There’s the Candy Cane in Android 4.1 Jelly Bean and then that time when Google made YouTube do the Harlem Shake. Even Google Hangouts and Google Now had easter eggs for the whole Android community.

And with the latest Android Marshmallow, the Android devs hid once more a new game that it is obviously reminiscent of the old Flappy Bird. You know that popular game by Vietnamese game developer Dong Nguyen which got him earning $50,000 a day but then was pulled out only after a few weeks. It came back after a few months with more obstacles and multiplayer fun followed by dozens of flappy bird clones. Android’s latest Easter egg is that of a flappy-bird like game where a tiny orange Android replaces the flappy bird, trying to fly through those huge Android Marshmallow heads.

If you happen to have an Android 6.0-running device now, a Nexus maybe, you can check out this the hidden easter egg by going to your phone Settings> About phone> Android version> Android 6.0.

Android Marshmallow round logo

When you see Android 6.0, click on it a few times until you see the round Android M logo. Tap on it a few times again until it becomes a giant marshmallow head. Click on it and then wait for the game to appear.

Gameplay is very much like Flappy Bird and it even comes with a multiplayer mode so go on, try to find this Easter egg. That is, if you have an Android Marshmallow-powered Nexus. If not, just wait for the fluffy OTA update on your phone.


VIA: Stephen Hall

SOURCE: Android Developers Blog


  1. Kind of lame and unprofessional to forget the mention of lollipop having the same easter egg, just wit lollipops instead of marshmallows. You guys speak of this being completely new and original but imo Google could have done something way better than this pathetic re-re-invention.

    • I agree, *to a point*. Considering that these “Easter Eggs” have become rather boring overall – Lollipop was the first time they did anything more than a mere splash screen. So while I think you’re right in the sense that they could have done something different (not necessarily better), it makes sense that they’ve only “updated” the last version’s easter egg.

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