After the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+ received the Nougat update, it’s time for its other siblings to receive it, at least, on one mobile carrier. AT&T has recently rolled out Android 7.0 for the Galaxy S6, Galaxy S6 Edge, and the Galaxy S6 Active. Don’t get too confused now because the Galaxy S6 from two years ago has a number of variants.
The AT&T Galaxy S6 Edge+’s update was released only last week and the other three are already due for a new sweet treat. Samsung officially rolled out the new OS back in March. Verizon also released the same in April. Even Canada is now eligible to receive the same Android Nougat.
AT&T released the new builds yesterday, May 3, with the following numbers:
• Samsung Galaxy S6 – Build Number NRD90M.G920AUCU6EQCF
• Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge – Build Number NRD90M.G925AUCU6EQCF
• Samsung Galaxy S6 Active Build Number NRD90M.G920AUCU6EQCF
All three already include the April 1, 2017 Security Patch Level (SPL). Make sure you have at least 1.22GB of free space and are always connected to the Internet because you’ll receive an OTA anytime soon.
The update brings Android 7.0 Nougat features, Samsung Pass, Samsung Cloud, and the latest device security updates from Google. After the update is installed, don’t be surprised if you don’t see the AT&T Address Book and MobiTV because the carrier is removing them.