There’s a big handful of devices on sale this weekend up until Labor Day including more than a couple of our old favorites on the Android front. All of these sales are online exclusives and each of them requires a 2-year activation, but beyond that you’re in the sweet, sweet discount world. First there’s the HTC ThunderBolt which is now $149.99 – this is the only LTE-capable smartphone on the whole list, and buying it here will mean it’s pre-owned. Then there’s the Motorola XOOM for $299.99 – note that this is a pre-owned model you’ll be getting – this is the only LTE-capable tablet on the list. There’s a couple of LTE mobile modems on sale too but I’ll let you check those out for yourself since they’re not Android-based.
Next there’s the LG Cosmos Touch and the Samsung Continuum, the latter of the two being one that we’ve reviewed with glee when it was released, both of these devices being free here with a 2-year contract. There’s the Casio G’zOne Commando, an ultra-rugged device set for being tossed around and dunked in water for $99.99. If you’re aiming for a smaller tablet, there’s always the first Samsung Android on the market, the Original Samsung Galaxy Tab (pre-owned) for just $69.99. Cheep!
Then there’s the awesome Motorola DROID 2 Global, quite similar to the original DROID 2 but here in Global form meaning you can pretty much use it anywhere on earth supposing you’ve got the right SIM cards, and it’s in white, which of course means its awesome.
There’s a few more deals going on right this moment at Verizon you might want to know about, these not necessarily having just to do with Labor Day: Motorola Droid 3 and Motorola Droid X2 both on Buy One Get One deals, and Sony Ericsson Xperia PLAY for $99 (half-off). There’s the LG Revolution, another LTE-capable Android device on sale for $199.99, that being about $50 off its normal price.
Check them all out over at Verizon Wireless online store – lookin good!