The following is a report on what prices you’re going to be paying for all 4G LTE data on your DROID Charge, HTC ThunderBolt, LG Revolution, and soon your Motorola XOOM (which will soon be called XOOM 4G or XOOM LTE) as well as all of your 3G devices. Gone will be the days of unlimited data plans, in will be the terrifying onset of tiered data. While this setup will more than likely not affect those who only use LTE to check their email, those who use the connection to download games, run videos, and generally go through their day swapping data like madmen and women will be opening up their wallets and dumping out the contents, if you know what I mean. Recent polls point toward these power users being rather Android inclined, so we’ve got to put the word out to you!
The following list of prices has been passed to us by an anonymous source, but upon searching we’ve found the same list to have been passed to our pals at Phandroid as well as DROID Life so unless there’s one intricate trickster out there covering all the bases, we’ve got to note that this seems pretty legit.
Data plans:
2GB – $30/month
5GB – $50/month
10GB – $80/month
Overage costs $10 per 1GB
Each of these plans is upgradable for an extra $20 a month to be able to use your until-now free mobile hotspot with a bonus 2GB (again, per month). Tablets will have a separate data plan as well, this one following the following guidelines instead of the above:
Tablet data plans:
$20 for 1GB switches to 2GB – $30/month
Overage costs $10 per 1GB
Again this set of details will affect both 3G and 4G devices and ONLY new devices not already on contract. AKA if you’ve already got a device on a plan that’s cheaper than this, you’ll be fine for the time being. Whether or not this will affect those hoping to upgrade to a new device (perhaps from a 3G to a 4G device, for example,) is still unclear.
Will this affect whether or not you purchase a Verizon device after July 7th?
Also note that this directly correlates with the extension of free service Verizon has noted for their 4G LTE mobile hotspots on devices such as the HTC ThunderBolt. You’ll have that extra amount of time (until the 6th, that is,) to enjoy said free service, while your unlimited data should remain past that point if you’re already locked into a contract.
Any questions?
It’s time for a class action lawsuit against these money grubbing fat cats!
Looks like Verizon is following the way of fossil fuels. Evidently the millions of profit is just not enough. It’s time for people to stand up and say “ENOUGH”. I don’t know about the rest of you but I’m getting tired of these large conglomerates raising their prices to a point of “can’t affordability” in this economy. I’m currently locked into the unlimited data plan but in the future on upgrades if this is the way you have to go I will look around for different carriers. I’M TIRED OF THIS CRAP!!!!!!!
They markets these types of phones,then want to rip their customers off. I won’t be back their service sucks anyways. Drop calls,internet connection dropping all the time and I’m going on my 4th DROID x.
Another reason to stick with Sprint.
This sucks I was thinking to switch to them no more I’m this is just one more reason to go for the 3D EVO from Sprint
Or wait for Sprint’s Galaxy S II variant.
I have a while on my 3G contract, so unless I go out and buy the Thunderbolt or Charge at full price I won’t have 4G with unlimited data. When next year rolls around I’ll see if Sprint jumped ship too and went with a tiered plan. This is why I left ATT last year.
this is exactly why i left AT&T! and now verizon is pulling this crap on us to!? i should have listened to my friend and gone to sprint. what more does verizon want from us? is it not enough that verizon customers pay more than everyone else? is it not enough that they make billions off of their customers? what happened to the days when companies cared about their consumer? i still dont see why they would chose to do this? as of right now, at&t is the only company doing this crap. so its not as if they are following the crowd, and its not as if the majority of companies are doing this. its only one company!!!! why follow in the steps of a crappy company? why?
this is exactly why i left AT&T! and now verizon is pulling this crap on us to!? i should have listened to my friend and gone to sprint. what more does verizon want from us? is it not enough that verizon customers pay more than everyone else? is it not enough that they make billions off of their customers? what happened to the days when companies cared about their consumer? i still dont see why they would chose to do this? as of right now, at&t is the only company doing this crap. so its not as if they are following the crowd, and its not as if the majority of companies are doing this. its only one company!!!! why follow in the steps of a crappy company? why?
I’ve used Sprint phones for over 20 years. I’m changing services. I live in the Chicago land area and I can’t place a call in the local grocery store. My wifes trakphone works perfectly. A trakfone isn’t my answer, I’m changing services to a phone that gets reception. Compare the phones reception to what you would receive in Markesan, Wi, and you will know who the better carrier is.
at&t than tmo and now verizon, this sucks losing unlimited data. i have now i dea wht these companies are doing. I am so mad i was going to leave tmo for verizon.
This is a stunning example of why the government should NEVER allow att to buy TMobile. Imagine what these compnaaies will do when there are only 2 real competitors.
FYI folks, these companies have done their research, as should consumers. The carriers have done studies into data usage by customers. Over 80% of smart phone users will never see 2gb of data on one line on their bills, even watching tons of video. And due to services like Netflix and HBO GO who allow us to watch all the movies we want, bandwidth consumption on the networks is through the roof. These limits are being put in place to IMPROVE customer experience across the map. Doing this improves network reliability and speed, making everyone’s phones run faster. When you watch a movie on Netflix for two hours, you are severely damaging the bandwidth of other users on the network. Another little snippit about data that most don’t realize, is that your data speeds are automatically throttled after a certain usage point on ALL carriers, because of this same issue. You use heavy bandwidth, they slow you down for the month. This news should not come as a surprise just after the release of Netflix and HBO GO for Android. If they don’t, towers overload and all sorts of network issues ensue, much like what happened to AT&T.
“Over 80% of smart phone users will never see 2gb of data on one line on
their bills, even watching tons of video. And due to services like
Netflix and HBO GO who allow us to watch all the movies we want,
bandwidth consumption on the networks is through the roof.”
You just directly contradicted yourself here. If 80% of users won’t see 2gb of data even watching tons of video, how is consumption going through the roof?? Your claim makes zero sense.
” These limits
are being put in place to IMPROVE customer experience across the map.
Doing this improves network reliability and speed, making everyone’s
phones run faster.”
BULLSHIT. These limits are put in place to MAKE MORE MONEY. it has absolutely nothing to do with customer experiences. Verizon, AT&T, and all the phone companies dont give a rats ass about user experiences, all they want is a signed contract to fork over $100+ every month. They advertise these phones as being media consumption devices, then want to restrict how much media you can consume!
Why does Verizon, or any company for that matter release a new network that can not actually provide the service it advertises? They are so quick to advertise that they have the fastest network that can provide all the video, and media rich experience the customers want, but if you wanna use it more then once or twice a month? They dont tell you that you’ll have to take out a second mortgage just to pay for the damn thing.
Does anyone know what is going on with family plans? My wife and I use like 1.5 gig combined so if we can cut off $30 dollars a month, sweet. I wouldn’t even consider myself a low data user but apparently I am. A few tips that helped me is to not use services like pandora or youtube. For music, I download it to my device from my computer and youtube can wait till I get home. Another biggie is to use wifi as much as possible, using wifi means you’re not using any data. It kills battery but saves dough. I would be complaining as much as the rest of you except this very may well save me money. I’m sure Sprint will adopt tiered prices before a years time has passed. The only way to show these guys you mean business is to switch to pay as you go services or smaller cell providers. You’ll lose service but they may lower prices… maybe…
well if you switch before july 7 you will be grandfather to an unlimted data for 29.99 for two years . so its a personal choice i have been with vzw for 10 years service is great. but this those sound like a clear downfall for them and new customers looking to join the network. if its not broke dont fix it is what they say. i guess somewill consider metro pcs lol the guys with the indians on the commericals