Tag: patent
Huawei is the latest target for Microsoft’s patent license fees
Let it be known, ambitious original equipment manufacturers: if you get too successful, expect a visit from Microsoft, asking for their latest round of...
Microsoft’s lawyer says “Android stands on our shoulders”
Microsoft has a keen interested in Android despite selling its own mobile operating system - an interest that's vetted to the tune of more...
More trouble for Android, Apple granted Slide to Unlock patent
Today we have more news regarding some of those Apple patents. This morning after being filed way back in December of 2005, The US...
Samsung: Galaxy Nexus was designed to avoid Apple’s lawyers
Now that the Galaxy Nexus has finally been unveiled to the world, Samsung has admitted that the device was specifically designed with the thought...
Microsoft signs more Android patent agreements, this time with Quanta
Microsoft is at it again, wasting no time signing deals covering royalties and patent agreements from everyone involved in the Android OEM business as...
Samsung makes changes to Galaxy smartphones to get around Dutch ban
Apple and Samsung are tied up in mortal patent combat and Apple has come out ahead in many instances in Europe and other places....
Intellectual Ventures sues Motorola Mobility over Android patents
Patent suits are never ending in the tech world as companies that can't clearly dominate the market on the strength of their products alone...
Google calls out Microsoft for extorting Android OEM’s, Microsoft says “Waaaah”
Earlier today, Microsoft and Samsung finally came to terms regarding their patent lawsuits. Just like previous lawsuits before them aimed at HTC and others...
Oracle claims $1.16 billion in damages from Google
Just when we thought it was over, Oracle has reiterated in a court filing today that the patent infringement by Google's upon Java patents...
Oracle vs Google Android lawsuit to End
It's been over a year since we first reported that Oracle was looking into a suit against Google for its perceived infringement of their...
Samsung Galaxy S II Banned in Europe by Apple Injunction
In a manner extremely similar to what we saw just about a week ago (then quickly limited in scope), Apple has successfully worked with...
Microsoft sues Motorola for patent infringement
We all know that one of the key reasons that Google gobbled up Motorola Mobility was for the patent treasure trove that Motorola owned....