The Surface Duo is coming. We just don’t know when exactly. We believe Microsoft is doing everything in its power to release the hybrid smartphone-tablet this year. Much has been said about the device especially since it was officially announced to the public a year before the promised market release. We recently saw the custom Android interface running on a Surface Duo being demoed. The Movial team working on Surface Duo has joined Microsoft which could mean product launch is about to happen.
The mobile device has been sighted several times including one with a cover. It was then when we heard of the idea it may be delayed to 2021. The Microsoft Surface Duo could be arriving with a new multitasking feature.
There is still the possibility of launch even before the Galaxy Fold 2’s announcement. We’re excited to experience the enhanced Surface Pen stylus support. Some units are believed to being tested already.
We want to believe the Microsoft Surface Duo is still on schedule while the Surface Neo would be delayed. However, we won’t be surprised if a number of things will really be delayed. That idea of a release earlier than scheduled won’t be happening now for obvious reasons.
Some teaser videos were leaked online especially since that Microsoft Surface demo failing during a livestream. We’re still looking forward to those holograms.
The latest information we have shows the Surface Pro X Pen working on a Microsoft Surface Duo. Some photos surfaced on Twitter, showing of the device with a stylus pen. The images were shared by Frank X. Shaw (@fxshaw), Lead Communications for Microsoft. The company exec showed the device in a not so subtle way—taking a picture of his kitchen mixer with a Surface Duo on the reflection. The next photo shows the mixer with a Surface Duo on a surface. The device comes with what appears to be a thick stylus.
Shaw is definitely showing off the device. If you don’t get it yet, just watch out for related announcements in the coming weeks or months. We now feel it’s happening very soon.