We haven’t heard much regarding the T-Mobile LG G2x as of late and I’m starting to wonder what T-Mobile has decided regarding the device. Not only are we still waiting for the Gingerbread 2.3 update that last we heard was coming soon, but we also haven’t heard anything else regarding a few of the quality control issues.
Back in May the phone went out of stock online at T-Mobile and it still is currently listed out of stock. Well over a month later and they still don’t have more, that makes me think it was in fact pulled for quality control issues and not because of high demand. With reboot problems, LCD backlight bleeding and more all mentioned here you have to wonder what is going on.
A new tip was recently received stating that T-Mobile will not replace the phone for any of the current issues they already know like linked to above, only for other issues. No exchanges for reboots and crashes and such will be made until the software update to Android 2.3 but we still don’t know when that is coming. The tip also mentions that T-Mobile is suggesting users replace the G2x with the myTouch 4G for the exchange.
LG better hurry and get that Android 2.3 Gingerbread update ready to go and rolling out soon or more and more users might end up with the myTouch 4G instead. It is a great phone but it isn’t a dual-core HDMI-out feature phone like the G2x is supposed to be. Hopefully T-Mobile gives us some information on the update soon so we don’t have to sit around waiting.
London Jr — Thanks for the tip!
Time for a class action lawsuit. There should be lemon laws for phones like there are for cars.
I had 3 replacements last week then they transferred me to the android group and she read me a memo that no exchanges were allowed going forward. She also said that the mytouch 4g is not an option right now either…not until there’s some resolution with the g2x
its not good that T-Mobile not allowing exchange of g2x… check the link may it have some more information for u
To open link Click
This whole thing has been one huge cluster****. It looks like nobody at LG even used one of these phones before shipping them out. It’s not like the problems are some obscure bugs. And TMO has not been helpful either.
If they don’t fix these problems, I’ll either go back to my old RAZR or to the new iPhone – and tell ’em where to stick the ETF.
This whole thing has been one huge cluster****. It looks like nobody at LG even used one of these phones before shipping them out. It’s not like the problems are some obscure bugs. And TMO has not been helpful either.
If they don’t fix these problems, I’ll either go back to my old RAZR or to the new iPhone – and tell ’em where to stick the ETF.
This whole thing has been one huge cluster****. It looks like nobody at LG even used one of these phones before shipping them out. It’s not like the problems are some obscure bugs. And TMO has not been helpful either.
If they don’t fix these problems, I’ll either go back to my old RAZR or to the new iPhone – and tell ’em where to stick the ETF.
I got mine replaced through asurion (last week) next day air – damn near brand new, light light leakage, and CM7 gets rid of the bullshit!
@DJ_suMo8:disqus Oh yea, I put CM7 on mine before they even released nightly builds as a friend was compiling from the CM tree for me.. I’ve not tried the leaked GB build for the G2x as I heard it was still suffering from a few of those issues.
Hopefully they fix things soon. Mine is sitting in the closet and I’m using the Sensation 4G atm… Just Sayin
That Gingerbread leak is horrible – can’t be the final build as they said. I broke a G2x cause I didn’t do a NV flash and didn’t know at the time so I ran out of patients. Got a replacement through asurion last Tuesday, now I’m cocked, locked and already rocking on CM7 RC1. I’m getting blank screenshots with ShootMe, do you know the problem? I’m sure you’re gonna wet yourself when that Sensation gets a permanent root and some nightlies. Lol!!!!!! Thanks.
@DJ_suMo8:disqus Use Screenshot ER as it works with the G2x, that or check out this story, I think native screenshot has now been added to the latest CM7 nightly for the G2x also
Get latest G2x nightly and long press power and it should be in menu options.
Thanks man, I heard that story break last night. It also enables touch to focus with HTC cameras. I’m gonna try that Screenshot ER app. I don’t wanna flash a nightly just to take a screenshot – plus the stable build is around the corner even though it probably won’t take screenshots. Thanks again.
All I’ve ever ran on all my devices have been nightly’s.. They are stable for the most part but occasional new things like kernel changes or rebases I’ll wait a few days but I’ve never had “issues” other than the occasional kernel flash gone bad or what not that are usually user error or cuz I didn’t wipe.
I’d say flash that nightly lol but if you’d rather run stable builds just wait as they are around the corner. yea Screenshot ER worked fine for me IIRC.
I would if it had the touch to focus feature… plus I don’t feel like setting up all my home sreecns again, lol. Always wipe cache partition 3 times after factory reset, right!? Lol.
uh. Going from RC to nightly I never ever ever wiped. Only when going from different roms would I do a full factory reset. I did nightly to RC’s without resets also.
I only wiped cache and dalvik then flash the latest nightly. I rarely wipe cuz I only use CM7. lol. and ADW has a backup option and it restores all settings AND all the icons on all your homescreens. I love it
I was saying that based off flashing manually – reboot into recovery, wipe data/factory reset, wipe cache partition 3x, then install the zip from the root of the SD card – that way no apps force close constantly or bugs occur. By then, ADW EX settings will be lost unless you don’t wipe data. ADW needs to have a sign in/cloud setting to where if you get a new device all you have to do is sign in and your settings are there. I’m gonna have to contact him about that. People are saying in the comments on ROM Manager that the G2x has touch to focus camera option. Do you know if that’s legit?
I see what you mean. I’d only wipe data/factory reset if I had issues or was flashing a different rom. RC to nightly for CM7 I’d only wipe cache that way EVERYTHING remains the same. I never had issues. And backup ADX settings before wipe and they are stored on the SD card. I transfer my backup from phone to phone with Dropbox.
I don’t know about camera thing sorry
Yeah, I flashed the latest nightly build on the G2x of course, and the touch to focus option is there. He even mentioned in the G+ post all he has to do is hammer out NVidia camera zones…
I refused to take the Mytouch 4G when they offered it to me. It’s a lower class phone, they should have offered the HTC sensation that’s at the same level. I’m waiting for the gingerbread 2.3 and if I don’t get it soon I’ll file a law suite against T-Mobile and LG for the full price and damages.
It’s people like you that can suck my dick. You are a lower class person.
i agree…its not fair to continue to pay for something that does not work…to me that is breech of contract and therefore tmobile should accommdate or let people out of there contracts…sprint is looking mighty good rightnow
I haven’t had any of the issues people are complaining about. No bleeding screen, rebooting, loose hdmi output ect. My phone is not rooted or anything. This will be hard to fix when it appears to be percentage with these issues and not all. Is it possible that some of these phones were built with quality care and others just thrown together?
my stock G2x would go into bootloops in the middle of the night sometimes on and off the charger and the boot sound would eventually wake me up. I was late for work once because of it. I’d have to pull battery and wait a few minutes to try again. but then I rooted and flashed CM7 and my problems were mostly gone. lol
I both love my LG G2x for some its features as much as I hate it for its quirks. This is first hand experience: after the device is plugged in and fully recharged (I often do this overnight) it seems it says to itself “enough juice” and turns itself off. This also happens at random – turning itself off and refusing to start. Whenever this happens the only way to get the LG back on is by removing the battery. Another quirk is the low response time from the sleep mode: pressing the on/off switch to bring it back up takes too long, so much so that I let go, press it again and of course it turns on very quickly and then off… The solution, remove the battery, Speaking of the battery, especially after I manage to wake up the phone from the sleep mode, it sometimes reports it’s at 50% but a just a few seconds later it updates its settings and prompts to plug it in to recharge.
How long after you got the phone did you start experiencing these issues?
How long after you got the phone did you start experiencing these issues?
I agree with this. So annoying!!
I agree with this. So annoying!!
oh yea I had all those same issues and more. It would be fully charged at 99% (Never made it to 100% after first few days) and after a simpler reboot my battery would go from 99% down to like 82% or so.. terrible reading.
I never trusted the battery. Sometimes half full made it all night til I woke up, other times 65% and it would be dead in the morning. very iffy
i had some many problems with mine it reboots it self so many times at night especially in the early morning..i work at night and i need my phone to be on all the time but it is impossible sometimes goes off and dont want to turn back on even if i removed the battery..so i called tmobile and they send me a new one and guess what? same problem..i really like the phone but it drives me crazy..and now today ther sending me another one…they dont want send me another model….they say they working on the update for this phone.
Why would I go from a dual processor phone to a single processor phone?
the time is now ,even with the update what about all the services i have been paying for the last 16 months? think Refund tmobile!