Sega has been busy bringing classic games to mobile since it launched SEGA Forever back in June. More titles have been added including Virtual Tennis Challenge, The Revenge of Shinobi, Ristar, and the Golden Axe earlier this month. Today, Sega has also added Space Harrier II Classic to the lineup of arcade games that will make you go down memory lane.
Remember how you started in your gaming career with Sega Forever. More will be added to the collection but for now, download the ‘Space Harrier II Classic’ and reminisce the classic shooter game. If you want, you can introduce the kids to this classic adventure and show off your skills in the third-person shooter game.
It will be fun to go through the gameplay again and revisit Fantasyland in year 6236. Harrier is our hero who needs to go to all unique lands and face all the enemies that attack.
This Space Harrier II arcade game is only one of the numerous classic games in the Sega Forever lineup. Other classic games added to the collection include Crazy Taxi, Altered Beast, Sonic The Hedgehog, Kid Chameleon, Phantasy Star II, and Comix Zone. Some people say this Space Harrier II is one of the forerunners in modern third-shooter games. See for yourself why it can be considered as such.
Download Space Harrier from the Google Play Store