fire - search results

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Firefox Focus for Android
Mozilla has just released another update for Firefox Focus. This one delivers more user control while making sure their data are kept secure and protected while web browsing. Control and privacy have always been the promise of Mozilla and this Firefox Focus is one reliable product. By user control,...
The Drop-In and Announcement features of Alexa are pretty useful especially if you do a lot of back and forth calling between family members or if you live in a big house. However, it was only fully available for Amazon Echo Show and Echo Spot devices and tablets could...
Amazon Fire TV Recast
Amazon seems to be all set for Black Friday. No, we're not just talking about the top e-commerce website prepping for high traffic on that day. The company is preparing its numerous products and services. We told you about some great deals and discounts, as well as, the Amazon...
When you’re trying to go viral as you launch your brand in a new territory, you might want to make sure that you will trend for the right reasons. Chinese OEM Xiaomi is currently under fire for a recent “flash sale” that they did in the UK because they...
October is almost done and this means the month of holiday deals is about to begin. Thanksgiving is upon us too so there's Black Friday and Cyber Monday plus the upcoming Christmas shopping season. Amazon wants to celebrate this early by announcing the latest discount offerings for three of...
For anyone who has ever needed to access a website that is blocked in a particular country or region, VPNs have been a lifesaver. But not all of them are of course secure and may cause even more harm to your device. Mozilla is offering a solution and at...
For those who want to protect their privacy while browsing on their mobile device, you have the option of using the incognito window of your browser or you can use a browser that focuses on private browsing. One of those browsers is Firefox Focus, a variant of the popular...
Teaching kids to code may seem like a daunting task but as we’ve realized these past few years, they may actually learn about it quicker than most adults. Osmo is a brand that specializes in creating products like this for young children, but unfortunately for Android users, their kids’...
If this is just the first incident and will be followed by other claims, then things are not looking good for Samsung. Just when you think they have gotten over the whole Galaxy Note 7 battery catching on fire brouhaha, a lawsuit filed against the company says otherwise. A...
Amazon's Fire HD line is still a bestseller. The latest tablets from the series are the Fire HD 8 and Kids Edition for this year. The duo follows the Amazon Fire HD 10 Kids Edition which went up for pre-order only last June. We may have skipped some models...
While Amazon would probably just want you to buy their newer Fire TV devices, there are of course a lot of people who would want to stick to the older models since they’re still working anyway. So it’s good to know that Amazon is still bringing updates to older...
Google Pixelbook Chromebook Windows 10
The next-gen Chromebooks may be more powerful than ever. Notebooks from other brands running different OS may also be better with major changes happening across the systems. Google has been working on a new project we only know as 'Campfire' which is said to deliver Windows 10 dual boot...