So the new OnePlus 2 has been revealed. We’ve got our hands-on feature already, prices were unveiled, and pop-up events are happening in some areas this July 31, and just recently, the phone got its first teardown treatment.

The company retained the invite-only system but with a few improvements and we’re excited to know how many geeks have signed up to get an invitation to purchase the new flagship killer from the Shenzhen-based phone manufacturer. A few days since its launch, we’ve got word that invite registration already hit the one million mark. Wow! That’s impressive because it’s only been 72 hours.

We can’t say if the virtual reality keynote helped in marketing the phone but the event certainly got our attention. People started talking about the OnePlus 2 and soon became a highly-anticipated model alongside some of the upcoming units from the top brands.

oneplus 2 invites

OnePlus, as a brand, is not even two years old but we can clearly see its growth and success in some areas. We may not agree with some of the company’s method but OnePlus is definitely drawing a crowd. Despite the missing NFC, wireless charging, and fast charging features, the OnePlus 2 is still attractive to a lot of people. It can be overwhelming for a small startup but OnePlus promised to stock up on OnePlus 2 units as quickly as possible.

We’re also interested to know how the pop-up events in six cities, specifically Bangalore, Jakarta, London, New Delhi, Milan, New York, Berlin, and San Francisco, will happen. If you live in any of these areas, feel free to visit OnePlus and see for yourself what the company has planned.

OnePlus 2

VIA: SlashGear


  1. So there are a million+ people who want a phone with mediocre specs that doesn’t have NFC, doesn’t have wireless charging, doesn’t have quick charging, only has a 1080p display… It’s a free market, but WHY, people, WHY would you buy this phone?

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