One tease after another the HTC Thunderbolt just can’t stay out of the news. It’s been delayed time and time again, or has it. Technically it has not because it wasn’t actually ever given a set date. The February date many threw around was because that was posted on a 30ft screen at CES2011. Today we have an entire next level of Seriously Verizon, with ads coming in the mail to customers saying “Now Available”.

This is just another disaster for Verizon Wireless as they’ve been fighting off stories of reasons for delays such as Delayed because of iPad 2, and poor battery life reasons, and more. No one really knows what is going on, except maybe for Verizon and HTC. Tuesday Verizon came out with a little bit of a testy attitude regarding all the rumors, posting a little comment on Twitter trying to calm the thunderstorm of rumors.

Personally all that tweet does it make the launch seem even farther off, but I could be wrong. Almost as if the writer doesn’t have any idea when they are coming but is saying “when we do, they will rock”. Either way this entire flyer going out in the mail is not good for Verizon, or the Thunderbolt. We shall wait it out and see.

[via DroidLife]


      • yes they had a few on ebay a few weeks back. I played with one for a while at CES2011. it’s a sweet phone, there’s an entire speaker under the kickstand. Other than that it’s not on display or anything anywhere no.

        We’ll see, i just read another report for March 21st.

  1. HTC ThunderBolt!!!!! HTC Thunerbolt, HTC Inspire 4G, Motorola Atrix will be together 3 powerful 4G-competitors!:)

    Delays are probable due to a Verizon’s network preparations or a polishing of the HTC’s technology of simultaneous VOICE and DATA over 4GLTE/3GWCDMA, created for Thunderbolt. Sweeeeeet:D I want it sooo bad:P

  2. That whole flier looks suspicious – tag line across the bottom doesn’t even make sense, if VZW produced something like full of grammatical errors, they are even more screwed than previously thought. I’m going with fake flier…

    But as for the phone not being spotted, it does exist, and it is out there – several tech blogs/stores already got their hands on it for unboxing and testing, and the stores have dummy models and displays ready to go out as soon as they get the word from corporate. I want my new phone, I’m sick of waiting without any communication – put a stop to the rumors, Verizon, and just tell your customers what’s going on!

  3. It all comes down to “accountability” and the control that corporations like Verizon and Best Buy have over the consumer. And “we” as the consumer want our little gadgets so bad that we allow them to walk all over us. It is time to teach the “corporate world” a lesson. First, there is nothing wrong with delays. What is wrong is the lack of information, wrong information, allowing incorrect ads to be run, collecting money for pre-orders garaunteed on certain dates and not following through and mostly the refusal to be upfront and honest with the consumer with a cocky attitude. They have done this simply because THEY CAN and they know that we will just wait like puppy dogs with our tails wagging until they tell us to give us a paw and then shell out our life savings to buy their products. Lets teach Verizon a lesson. I challeng every tech and gadget geek that has been waiting for this phone to boycott Verizon, Best Buy and the Thunderbolt the day of launch. Send them a message! Just one day! NO SALES!

  4. I don’t think it’s a legit ad. I mean for one, why is there a “?” after tell us where you work… why is Bill capitalized? Why is “wireless” not written anywhere near the verizon logo? Why does that one have “now available” but no prices like the others?….also looks like there are two Ls in powerful…

    not legit.

  5. I don’t think it’s a legit ad. I mean for one, why is there a “?” after tell us where you work… why is Bill capitalized? Why is “wireless” not written anywhere near the verizon logo? Why does that one have “now available” but no prices like the others?….also looks like there are two Ls in powerful…

    not legit.

    • You are right, now I look at it guys, the writing on bottom is obviously terribly written and probably not real. Not only that but there is two L’s in powerful at the top, not to mention all the pictures say something below them. Free, Free, Free, $49, and Now available. now look below all of those.

      Every phone has stuff written below the Free or Price. but Blank on the Thunderbolt. If any advertisement team allowed that they should be fired. lol

  6. The release of the Thunderbolt will coincide with the March 19th “Supermoon” event that will unleash unmentionable havoc on the Earth. The gravitational pull of the moon passing so close to the Earth will be so immense that the Thunderbolts will literally be pulled from their boxes. This event occurs every 18years, so I predict that the Droid Bionic will be released on March 19, 2029. Look it up people, of the truth I speak…………

  7. The issue is the battery. They are trying to do a lot of updates to fix that. With the battery they have as is the phone only lasts 4 hours stand-by. That is what they are trying to fix. My cousin is part of the team so he filled me in on the info. All the other excuses people are leaving are not the issue. The reason the phone is not released yet is they can’t figure out what to do about the battery life.

  8. Sorry, but that flyer is certainly a fake. The line at the bottom of the image, “Tell us, where you work? And GET a Discount on your monthly Bill,” was obviously written by someone with limited English skills.

  9. I just received this email. Prol means nothing!

    “Dear Paul,

    Thank you for your recent reservation of the Verizon ThunderBolt 4G by HTC with Best Buy.

    This e-mail is an additional confirmation that your smart phone is reserved in your name. We will contact you as soon as your smart phone is available.

    Thank you from your Best Buy Mobile™ Team!”

  10. I received a call from my local Verizon store (Cary, North Carolina) this weekend. The Thunderbolt will be released on Thursday, March 17th. The intial shipment will be in stock a day or so earlier. The rep scheduled an appointment to meet with him at 10:00, and he confirmed that it will for sure be for sale on that day. The slow release was related to 3g-4g switchoff…firmware related. There never was a release date…only rumors…due to the fact that Verizon hadn’t signed off on it yet. He didn’t mention battery life, but I didn’t ask him either. No rumor…fact. I will be purchasing my device on March 17th.

    • Great news…thanks. I am in Charlotte and was in there yesterday, they told me it will be released any day so this lines up with what your saying. I tried the IPhone 4 and have up to 14 days to return it, today is 14 so will be retuening it for sure. I had a Droid HTC prior to trying that IPhone and I am very disapponted with the Apple phone. Poor voice quality, erratic blue tooth connectivity, road runner email problems, and the list goes on. Nice looking, slick, great IPOD, but crappy phone.

    • Great news…thanks. I am in Charlotte and was in there yesterday, they told me it will be released any day so this lines up with what your saying. I tried the IPhone 4 and have up to 14 days to return it, today is 14 so will be retuening it for sure. I had a Droid HTC prior to trying that IPhone and I am very disapponted with the Apple phone. Poor voice quality, erratic blue tooth connectivity, road runner email problems, and the list goes on. Nice looking, slick, great IPOD, but crappy phone.

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