Remember this massively popular post which aimed to note every one of the vast collection of breaks that happened with the last EVO update? The folks responsible for said evil have been flogged, apparently, and a new update is floating across airwaves today. This update is marked 4.24.651.1 and should be coming across immediately if not soon. A full list of improvements and fixes can be found below, and you’re sure as heck welcome to check out that original post to see if any of the problems you had in the past were amongst the common.

Fixes include a hopefully true repair of the problem with sending of text messages to random recipients, the changing of ME to YO in sms conversations in Spanish, a fixing of your ability to stream media through apps – this having been broken by the update classified 3.7, and the re-appearance of email attachments! These are only a few of the full list that can be see above and by clicking the image in the gallery below. These fixes are almost exclusively selected from problems caused by the update that came previously from Sprint, a carrier not looking good in the least after such a fabulously hole-ridden update.

You should be able to grab this update by heading to your menu, hitting Settings, going to System updates, and hitting HTC software update. If the update is available to you at that moment it should automatically begin to load. If you aren’t amongst the lucky, you’ll just have to wait longer. Updates, again, start today and should be rolling out to everyone across the USA soon. The last time an official update came through, it was version 4.22.651.2 and had many of the same fixes supposedly coming through.

Will this update be the one to bring the EVO 4G back to normalcy? We shall see. Meanwhile you’re certainly encouraged to unload any gripes you’ve got with the update below, as this appears to be the best way to contact the carrier in question so that they’ll make sure the update is functional.

Let us know how it goes!

Also note that this entire post and several posts before it have been pushed out to you using the mobile hotspot on the HTC EVO 3D, a device which we’ll have a review of up for you later today!


  1. some ppl on twitter are saying they got the update, i wish more ppl were getting it. I want it!!!!! Come On!!!

  2. Where is it? Peoria AZ around 9:30pm still no update to fix the pronlems…
    1. Signal strength is one fifth of what it used to be with Froyo at the exact same locations. That is truly bad since the scale is only from one to five.
    2. Battery seems not able to charge to 100% anymore.
    3. Voicemail pops up when I do not have messages but does not pop up when I do have messages plus messages have dissapeared.
    Overall it has become more responsive, love the sound quality now and the other OS settings.

  3. One great benefit for me of the 4.22.651.2 was that my HTC Evo 4G (Sprint) was finally able to connect via BlueTooth to my Acura 2012 HandsfreeLink whereas the previous version of Gingerbread wouldn’t do that!  It hope this new update won’t interfere with the connection. 

  4. Just got it… it did not correct the issues that the previous gingerbread update created on my EVO 4G.  The compass is still crazy, therefore maps and google sky still don’t work properly.  Voice works fine, but I haven’t yet tried it in the car.

  5. Have installed this version, very excited to learn it is available.  HTC EVO 4G in Dallas, Texas.   So far: gmail is working again, app icons in my folder are no longer the android market icon, no widgets vanished from my home screen.  Thanks for sharing the news!!

  6. downloading now.  San Diego, CA.  stand by for results.  had issue with Sense UI re-starting after hitting home or “back” button and exiting certain apps.  very frustrating.  if this update fixes that problem, I’m golden.  now just need Sprint to add 4G to San Diego!

      • I bought one too and now want to shove it down the garbage grinder,,,,it’s just quirky,,,does strange things, keyboard shifts, text boxes randomly move off screen, reboots at the drop of a hat and that F—–ng battery? What’s the deal there,,,,I fly RC helicopters, the big ones with the premium LiPo batteries and I have NEVER had an issue with one of them,,,,it’s this cheap crap from, yeah, OVER THERE!!  Going back to the iPhone,,,,at least then, Apple will stand behind anything they sell, manufacture, promote, design, create, eat, drive, paint, fly, buy, or dream,,,
        Thanks HTC for another disposable piece of crap

  7. installing update now. Hoping it fixes the issue of not being able to connect phone as disk drive to my computer. also, will we get the new android keyboard? i”m a swype user but the new android keyboard looks interesting.

  8. installing update now. Hoping it fixes the issue of not being able to connect phone as disk drive to my computer. also, will we get the new android keyboard? i”m a swype user but the new android keyboard looks interesting.

    • @Jojo- Went to my backup pro and got Netfilx from my backup, couldn’t find original app that worked on 2.2 in the market or amazon app store. loaded app, works fine, but pop up says newer version available, click ok, and then says no newer version…. cancel button, and Netflix works fine though that popup at every start up of Netflix is annoying.

  9. I think I got my phone after the previous update, but I never had any of the problems that this update is supposed to fix. Netflix worked fine for me before and after the update. I don’t really have a point to this post, just wondering why that would be.

  10. I got mine and everything works. It even seems a lot faster. The only thing that I don’t like is how they removed the quick shortcuts that pop up from holding the power button.

    • I miss the quick shortcuts too, used it all the time when in meetings, etc. to silence all….why would they change this?  Also miss my group contacts not being in alphabetical order….online my groups are in order but not on my phone….crazy.

  11. Installed the update. I don’t like change. My calandar, contacts, music, settings…all different. And the new drop down notification screen has too much info on it, not streamlined. Is there a way to in-update? I’m not a geek-o-phile so I guess I’m oblivious to the pros of this update.

  12. I downloaded this new 4.24.651.1 update and my Yahoo Mail is still not pulling in on the stock email application.  Will this ever get fixed??  Not sure if it’s a Sprint networking problem with my EVO or if it’s a problem with the update itself…I was pulling in e-mail until I tried making it a manual load…next time I went to use it, the mail wouldn’t pull in….weird….

  13. Mobile Network (data control)
    I WORK IN A BOMB SHELTER/BIO HAZARD building with NO data signal and sketchy voice and text.
    I was using PhoneWeaver to manage my phone’s blood sucking, battery killing features because it was able to automatically turn off the data feature (and others) based on time triggers, location triggers, and manual switching.  The app extended my 3500mAh battery to over 48 hours without charging (this includes a few rounds of launching Angry Birds and killing Stupid Zombies not to mention internet and other data apps)!
    I do not understand why this ability would be cut for app designers. SPRINT (w/HTC) should pressure Android to fix this because the more people paying for data+ premium rates that actually turn off data for a while is like money in their pockets and more bandwith availability!  Infact, they would be smart to make a “profile” feature part of the whole package and prompt people to use it!  $$$ + longer battery life = WIN-WIN

  14. Since the update; my 3g randomly disappears, texts rarely send out the first time, and my phone goes directly to voicemail on incoming calls. All with 4 bars of service or more.

  15. Since the update; my 3g randomly disappears, texts rarely send out the first time, and my phone goes directly to voicemail on incoming calls. All with 4 bars of service or more.

  16. Ever since I got the new HTC EVO 4G update today… my keyboard in my text messages is missing. I can swype my finger over the spot where the touch keyboard should be and letters appear but there is no graphic to show me the keyboard letters.

    • Not a fix, but a workaround.  My Swype keyboard disappears from time to time.  I found that if I switch to the other keyboard, then back, the keyboard graphic reappears.  You probably already know that you do that by long-pressing the text entry area, then choosing Input Method.

  17. I downloaded the update today and all its been is trouble. My phone runs slow. I rarely recieve text messages. I get error messags that force apps to shut down. And i cant input a phone number to dial out. Not to mention it deleted all my contacts. Plus it keep telling me that my phone storage is low when i really isn’t. This update sucks. So F’ing pissed right now. Better get fixed soon.

  18. UGHHHH Gingerbread is nasty!!!! My phone wont charge properly, when i make a call the speaker automatically turns on and when i tilt the phone it gturns on all by its self!!! Should have stayed on 2.2!!! Does anyone know if there are any plans to fix this??? Anyone else having similar problems!!!

    • Hello! I think the problem that you are having may be due to the fact that you have the “flip for speaker” option checked off? Try going to Settings>Sound>Incoming Calls to find this option…uncheck it, & you should be all set! Good luck! Hope this resolves the problem! 😉

  19. Did the update earlier this week… bye bye to Yahoo Mail, Youtube, and any sense of being able to depend on my phone.

    Did this update just now… bye bye to half my widgets and some of my apps… freaking great.

    • I have the same issue, need my groups alphabetized!  Also miss the power off options we used to have where you could silence all in one step.

    • Ditto, need this fix badly.  I waited until yesterday to do the update hoping these issues would be corrected.  Not having problems like others have reported, at least haven’t found them, but this one isn’t only annoying, it’s costing me time and money.

  20. Slow Home Screen (Resolved)

    After the Gingerbread update, and the following OTA Fix to the Gingerbread update, I found that my home screen was returning very slowly.  I fiddled with this, twiddled with that, changed launchers, removed all widgets and extra screens, etc.  All to no avail.

    Then I read something about the Quick Boot feature, and how it prevents a full reboot.  So I dug in and found that setting in the Settings / Applications section.  I unchecked it, shut the phone down, waited a minute or two, then rebooted.  My Home Screen now returns IMMEDIATELY.

    I’m wondering how many of these other issues may be related to the phone being prevented from fully booting and thereby giving it a chance to do its housekeeping.  I guess no housekeeping is necessary for those who don’t use their computers (phones) hard, but for those of us who make these devices WORK for a living, it’s good to remember to give it a chance to clean up and reorganize from time to time by doing a full power-off reboot.

    – Dayton – Fri. 06/24/2011 @ 14:24:49

    • You might have help there, AzDayton.  I unchecked the Quick Boot feature in the Settings / Applications section, shut down and re-started my phone.  I is responding better, now.

      • Keywords: fixed, solution, corrected, HTC EVO 4G Android 2.3 repaired: It’s been 22 hours since I did my procedure above and the problems are still all gone.  My phone is smart, again.

      •  It might work even better to uncheck the Quick Boot feature in the Settings /
        Applications section while on Android 2.2 before upgrading your phone. 

      •  It might work even better to uncheck the Quick Boot feature in the Settings /
        Applications section while on Android 2.2 before upgrading your phone. 

    • Worked like a champ. No more HTC screen followed by “loading…” Apps even run faster. Thanx, AzDayton!

  21. Haven’t seen anyone comment on this — I just did the update to  4.24.651.1.  Seems to have fixed the bluetooth media streaming problem, but I still cannot turn off bluetooth without waiting a couple of minutes and the phone ultimately rebooting itself.  I can turn bluetooth on and off just fine if I don’t connect to another bluretooth device.  But once I have connected bluetooth can’t be turned off without the wait/reboot cycle. After rebooting, bluetooth is still on, but I can then turn it off normally.  This strange behavior started with the initial Gingerbread update. 

  22. My calander events still dont snooze. Once i get the notification sound its the last time i hear it. I like being able to snooze my events b/c i use them to remind me of things.

    • Also when i got to the clock widget it always takes me to the world clock section instead of the last thing i was in or even the first tab with tje time and weather full screen

      • Ive actualy just found a few more problems that im having. My phone now takes about a minute and a half to turn on and if i turm my phone off the widget to post to twitter and fb says im not logged in to any accounts but i xlick to log in it takes me to setting then i dont do anything and go back and i can post. Also a couple times when i go to the home screen from the internet it closes the internet so my windows close and i noticed it when i left and then went back on

  23. Downloaded the new update on my phone and everything except the voice mail bug works great; however my wife’s phone is a different story. Her phone info still says 3.70.ect. ect. It will not let me update anything except the PRL. Anyone know of a fix for this issue?

    • I have been trying to update her phone for the past 5 hours now with no success. Should i just factory reset it?

    • I have been trying to update her phone for the past 5 hours now with no success. Should i just factory reset it?

  24. I am having problems with folders I created. After reboot of phone app icons in folders turn to little androids. It loses the thumbnail of what the app actually is. Also when I turn the gps off I actually have to turn it on and off again for it to actually show as off. This update from Sprint made my phone very unstable. Message application forces stop constantly. Also voice application never hears My voice.

  25. Did not fix the text to speech with the 4.24.651.1    It worked purfectly before the update…now it’s worthless!

  26. Now my yahoo email doesnt work…I have tried deleting the account and reinstalling…to no avail.  The account IS installed as I can see all of my folders.  What I can’t see are ANY of my messages.

    • same here! I cant for the love of god get it to work. It keeps saying that the password and login info is incorrect but when i log on using my computer it works fine!

    • same here! I cant for the love of god get it to work. It keeps saying that the password and login info is incorrect but when i log on using my computer it works fine!

  27. My HTC Evo 4G worked fine before (with some 100+ apps installed and heavy usage for work and personal) and it works fine now. Thanks!! All I can ask for is for Sprint to provide 4G coverage in central Indiana.

  28. Same as everyone else has found. All the stuff that got me excited about the EVO 4G has stopped working.  This includes MAP applications, YAHOO MAIL and battery life. (Ok, battery life has ALWAYS sucked, but it seems to be Much much worse. ) How about it  folks, just give us back the old system, at least it had problems we knew how to solve.)

  29. Same as everyone else has found. All the stuff that got me excited about the EVO 4G has stopped working.  This includes MAP applications, YAHOO MAIL and battery life. (Ok, battery life has ALWAYS sucked, but it seems to be Much much worse. ) How about it  folks, just give us back the old system, at least it had problems we knew how to solve.)

  30. Same as everyone else has found. All the stuff that got me excited about the EVO 4G has stopped working.  This includes MAP applications, YAHOO MAIL and battery life. (Ok, battery life has ALWAYS sucked, but it seems to be Much much worse. ) How about it  folks, just give us back the old system, at least it had problems we knew how to solve.)

  31. Warning! Don’t update to Gingerbread 2.3.3 unless you want to get rid of your compass, the option to silent your phone when you push the power button, not upgrade to the new Navigator, (maps are worse then the old Navigator)

  32. Ever since I downloaded this update, my phone got slow. When I am using an app or on the internet and I go back to the home screen it takes it’s sweet time loading up. I get this HTC screen then it says loading…sucks! Plus I don’t get my emails anymore. Stupid update messed up my phone.

  33. I have DLed the latest update mentioned above and am still looking daily for another one that”may” fix the following problems:

    1. No voice-to-text
    2. Unrecognized audio formats for simple ringtones that were previously working as ringtones
    3. No Netflix along with unrecognized video formats previously playable.
    4. Diminished 4G connectivity
    5. Diminished battery life
    6. Inability to turn off 3G now without plunging the whole phone into Airplane mode. It used to allow a cell tower signal for phone calls without actively searching for internet.

  34. Update 4.24.651.1 scrambled my contacts in each contact group. They are all in totally random order. Trying to manually fix it problem doesnt work. They just go in there random. After 1 day I am totally missing the alpha-numeric organization.

    • I’m having the same problem. I went to a Sprint Store & they could fix it so they switched out phones and after my phone is switch out, my contact groups are still scrambled.

  35. I’m having all of the same problems. The most frustrating being the need to manually refresh my email. I need to get them as they come in, not when I get a minute to check them. The newest problem is having my screen turn itself on randomly. The Sprint store tells me it’s a network issue. I’m thinking I need to find a new network then.


    • Hey Mike, Im facing the same problem you are?  Have you head anything at all.  I can’t even call out or recieve calls, no text incoming our outgoing as well.  Im not real tech savvy.

  37. Anyone managed to figure out the yahoo email problem? It keeps saying my account information is incorrect but when I log on to my computer it works…

  38. voice to text doesn’t work anymore, my phone keeps randomly restarting, I miss calls ALL the time because it doesn’t ring on my end every time, and my batter life has been reduced to all of about an hour and a half, even when I’m not using it.  I am SO disgusted with this update!

  39. Battery life sucks and worst of all, when I come out of the internet or an app it shows a white screen with green HTC and proceeds to load. Text to speech doesn’t work and that is very usefully when in slow traffic

  40. My front facing camera was working perfectly with Yahoo messenger, but since the update to GB I not only do not have access to my front facing camera, but the video has lines all over it. My Husband is thousands of miles away and the only reason I got the Evo was because of the ability to video chat. My phone is slow, my swipe does not correct words when tapped, I get a white screen with HTC on it when I switch apps. I Loved my Evo but now….. not so much.

  41. how can i get my “groups” in my “people” contact folder to be alphabetical?  This is driving me nuts!!! Its all jumbled up, my contact list on my “people” application looks fine.  What is wrong with my groups?

    • Hi, I’m having the same problem. My general contact list is in alphabetical order, but all of my GROUP CONTACTS are scrambled. Therefore, I went to a Sprint Store for help & they couldn’t fix it, so they switched out my phone and after my phone was switch out. My contact groups are still scrambled. My contacts in my gmail account are o.k. and my group contact are also in perfect ABC order.
      Any advise ?

      Is there a way to get the old software ?

    • Hi, I’m having the same problem. My general contact list is in alphabetical order, but all of my GROUP CONTACTS are scrambled. Therefore, I went to a Sprint Store for help & they couldn’t fix it, so they switched out my phone and after my phone was switch out. My contact groups are still scrambled. My contacts in my gmail account are o.k. and my group contact are also in perfect ABC order.
      Any advise ?

      Is there a way to get the old software ?

  42. This did NOTHING!!!! My Speech to text STILL doens’t work. It is now taking me HOURS to delete text messages. My battery is draining at TWICE THE SPEED it once did.I’ve even noticed a difference in reception. Internet is still randomly crashing. It’s now tracking my outgoing messages as NEW messages for text. The Quick Boot option made it so that even after viewing texts and emails it was NOT considering them read and displayed them as NEW. Sooo much wrong with this phone now I want to snap it in 2!!!!

    • the speech to text function will not work when you are driving, but when you are stationary it works fine. I think they snuck a “safety” algorithm in there, and it’s reall pissing me off as well, but I have a feeling they’re never going to fix that. Some posts I’ve read say it was actually the google maps update that did this, not the gingerbread update.

  43. I have a swype tutorial… but my swype only works in the tutorial… everywhere else it’s the text to type …. what the crack?

  44. Swype is the only thing that works. My brand new battery drains in half a day with minimal use, I get virtually no reception, emails don’t come through at all unless I remove the battery and reboot, I’m now going in and out of roaming when I’m at home, texts rarely go through, I get data fail errors, no internet half the time… I’m so irritated I’m thinking of going back to an iPhone.

  45. I am not sure if anyone else is having this problem, but When I am on the phone or on the internet for a while, sometimes even exiting out of the MP3 player app my phone has to reload all of my speed dial, calendar info, and bookmarks every time.  Not a real problem, but a pain.  anyone know hot to fix?

  46. Camera/camcorder display black screen with no menu/have to hit home button to exit. WiFi does not work, battery life is TERRIBLE, hit the button to download the other xkb of a message and the ENTIRE message disappears and cannot retrieve it, some apps no longer work at all, my entire phone is MUCH slower, keyboard has a slew if issues like, messed up predictive text or very very very laggy letter recognition, cannot type while phone is charging. I HATE IT! I am beyond livid.

  47. ok. this is my problem, i use revolutionary to root my fone, soo when the phone restarted it froze on a black screen with a little triangle and a exclamation point inside with a blue droid under it. and from that point nothing happen it, i let it sit for an hour and nothing happened. why is it and how can i update my phone.. oh my phone is a HTC Evo 4G 

    •  I removed the battery and it came right back up….with a note that there was a new update.  😛  Methinks I won’t bother.  Everywhere I’m looking says if you’re rooted then it won’t work, and I’m not getting rid of my root!!

  48. My problem is, now when I use my front camera the pictures come out flipped. Like for example, if my face is on the left everything is flipped to the right side and makes everything look weird. Please fix this.

  49. My internet connection was pretty fast before I updated,now it loads slow and YouTube barely even loads to start a video!!! D: WATS UP YALL?!?!?!

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