Well folks, after the weeks and weeks of waiting, countless fakes appearing online and tons of anticipation the day is almost here. Temple Run for Android will finally and officially be available for phones and tablets starting tomorrow, March 27th in the Google Play Store, formerly known as the Android Market. As soon as I see it available I’ll be sure and shout.

The game has seen a huge amount of success on iOS, being one of the top paid apps and downloaded millions of times, over 36 million actually. The craze is as bad as Angry Birds fanatics, or worse. We originally mentioned it was coming to Android back in January and saw hundreds of comments and excited Android users but after a few rumors of February release dates earlier this month we learned the truth. Imangi Studio’s themselves announced it will be available tomorrow, the 27th and I can confirm that everything is still a go and it will launch tomorrow as planned.

Temple Run for Android will be free according to the developers but most likely will include ads, but for a game this popular I’m sure most wont mind. We are hearing it will work for most Android smartphones even older devices such as the original Samsung Galaxy S, and other older single-core phones so most users should be able to enjoy this supremely addicting game.

No word yet on exactly when it will be available. Could be tonight at 12:01, or be pushed to the Play Store sometime tomorrow during the day. We’ve reached out to Imangi and if we hear a time we’ll update with all the details and a link once it goes live.

So I must ask, Who’s excited? Sound off in the comment section below!

Update: March 27th at 6:00 AM EST in the US, for those wondering.


      • Not really I have droid 1 play gameloft game just fine it 600mhz if I over it which I don’t it can 1ghz to 1.4 ghZ. It 256 ram. All angry birds play same after you have 256 ram or more

  1. About frickin time. Can’t wait. And I am not over using that word I honestly mean them. Also android community you should start a campaign to stop discrimination against android so development.

  2. “Stuff Ye come out with?” Haha grow up mate. Your on about our accent when no one understands the Irish so go into “dat” if you really want to.

  3. Before you start speaking to me about that I’m waiting for a child’s game to come out just think what your doing on this page? I’m 16 and its a good game so what. So before you write something just think about it first you clown.

  4. tbh , enjoyed playin this on my gf’s ipod , but been waitin that long for it to come to android , has lost it’s appeal to me ……

  5. im trying to look for tempale run and its not available i tought its march 27 maybee its march 27 2014 hahahahhahahah

  6. Searched but the app still does not appear in my htc incredible s. this sucks. they said it will be available today. android user from malaysia. 

  7. hi … i  am sam nd i hav come to india for vacation .. can anyone plzz telll me that when will it be released in india ??????????

  8. Sam, it’s not split by geographical region, as soon as its on the Play Store, it should be available to everyone worldwide. The general consensus is that it will be released within a few hours’ time.

  9. Most likely temple fun for Android will indeed come out as soon as it turns March 27th in the U.S. that doesn’t mean all of though just eastern U.S.

  10. 6:00AM EST = 6:00PM LOCAL TIME / PHILIPPINE TIME. Don’t be such dumbasses telling this is fake. Imangi already said it’s coming out on the 27th, Yeah it is the 27th here in Asia but what do you think in the US? It’s still 26. WE HAVE DIFFERENT TIME ZONES.

  11. Thats a bunch of bs, an android is an android they should have made it compatible for all of us, but Android cost over $300 what the hell thats not even fair.

  12. i am very upset. very very very very very very upset. so upset i cant even say words. IT DOES NOT WORK ON MY LG PHOENIX! D:< so upset. i am very angry.

  13. .hey imangi..the temple run not compatible with my galaxy y..you said earlier that it would be compatible to any android phone…fix it pls!! its unfair that some of the android user enjoying it while some are not…thanks..im looking forward for your response..

  14. ATTENTION EVERYONE! They lied, again… to all those Samsung phone owners don’t worry, because its March 27 and its not in the market, so yet again they gave us a WRONG release date. thanks, i really appreciate getting my hopes up. means a lot andriod. 

  15. Really not compatible with the Droid Bionic come on ive waited months and had to play it on friends phones/ipods just to playh come on!!!

  16. last night i was able to download the temple run on my S2.. after 2 mins.. my friend try to download it also (she’s using galaxy S) but suddenly she cannot find that apps… its kind strange and we don’t know what happen. 🙁 Maybe they pull it back or something.. haha

  17. my neighbor’s mother makes $83 every hour on the laptop. She has been without work for 10 months but last month her paycheck was $8798 just working on the laptop for a few hours. Here’s the site to read more… LazyCàsh5.ćom

  18. i can play it on my samsung galaxy y and when i get to finish the tutorial the graphics get worst and when.
    when the tutorial is done i die for no reason like falling to the sea.

  19. Just downloaded it off the Play Store. Search Temple Run, it’s a Wi-Fi download. Installed and works perfect on my Xperia Ray.

  20. I can’t download here in my phone galaxy y
    It say’s here your device isn’t compatible with this app.
    Please help

  21. my cõ-worker’s step-aunt makes $81 every hour on the Ínternet. She has been oût of work for 10 months but last monťh her income was $7895 just working on the internet for a few hourṡ. Read more on this site… ĻazyCash5.Čom 

  22. i was waiting for soooo long to get temple run on my samsung galaxy ace, but its not compatible!! Is this a joke? I was counting down the hours since i first got my phone… please make an update where more phones (samsung galaxy ace) can get it, because I’m sure I’m not the only one! 

    • I have same phone as you and i feel the same. I’ve been looking for a reason but i can’t find out why!!!!!!!!!

  23. the samsung transform does not even show the game in the market plz update and add all phones and carriers. i love the game, but i cant find it and i have no ipod touch or ipad to play it on. and the graphics on the computer version suck horribly

  24. GET IT FOR PANDIGITAL  PLANET 7″!! Pleasee also get text now!!
    p.s. How do you get Google Play to work on the Pandigital Planet?? thnxx 🙂

  25.  Please make it compatible with Huawei X1, Samsung Galaxy Mini, Samsung Galaxy Ace & Samsung Galaxy Gio

    Thanks 🙂

  26. I was really hoping to get the game on my Samsung galaxy ace and I’ve checked the market everyday since they released it for other phones, yet still nothing…

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