More news coming from Malaysia. Samsung is scheduled to put an end on all the remaining Galaxy Note 7 units in the country. This has been confirmed and an official note on the Note 7’s last day was shared already. Those who still have the Note 7 will receive a special OTA software update on December 31, 2016 starting at 9PM. Once you install the update, the phone will then be powered down. You won’t be able to charge the unit once battery reaches zero.

It’s still a couple of days from today which means there is still time for refund or exchange. We encourage that wherever you are in the world and own a Note 7, have the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 replaced. Return the phone to where you purchased it and Samsung, your carrier, or retail store will give you a new Galaxy S7 Edge or a full refund. Feel free to contact Samsung 1-800-88-7799 for further details if you are in Malaysia.

This isn’t the first time we’re hearing about Samsung pulling the plug on the Note 7. In fact, the same move is being done in South Korea, Singapore, Australia, Canada, and the US by T-Mobile and Verizon. We’re expecting more regional Samsung offices to make similar announcements to finally and officially kill the Note 7.



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