Here we go again. Though Android chief Sundar Pichai confirmed what we all thought — that we’d not see a new Nexus before the fall — new rumors are surfacing about who’s going to make the next Nexus smartphone. Could it be Samsung again? Is HTC getting a chance at redemption? According to the report, we’ll get another LG handset — along with a Nexus smartwatch.

If that weren’t enough, the rumor also suggests LG will be making the retail version of the Google smartwatch we’ve heard so much about. Reportedly based on a Google Now interface (and said to be coming this month… along with an LG smartwatch… yeah right), Google’s take on smart wearables is also set to come out this fall — again, according to the leak. To date, LG has no actual smartwatch for sale, so we can’t say what a Nexus/LG smartwatch could be based on. It also conflicts a previous rumor of the Android team designing and building their own smart watch, so there’s that.

So what will the Nexus 6 be like? Oh… how about a stripped down LG G3? That’s a pretty easy assumption made by Gizmodo’s tipster, so we’ll file that one under “well, yeah”. We like what we’ve seen with the Nexus 4 and 5 so far, so we won’t eschew another LG model — but isn’t the point variety? Wasn’t the point of the Nexus program to spread the wealth a bit amongst OEMs?

For now, it’s all innuendo. We don’t have any solid info to suggest it will or won’t be LG, so we just lock this one in the memory bank for discussion later on. The only question we have is who will be rumored next? We’ll say… Huawei. Why not, right?


  1. If lg makes the nexus 6 that so not cool lg made the nexus 4 and 5 Google choose each maker to make a nexus phone at least twice minus HTC. I want at least sony , Motorola , HTC to get their chance on making one. I’m crossing my fingers for a xperia looking nexus phone.

  2. Personally, I doubt it would be called the Nexus 6. More likely it would be the Nexus 5 2014 edition similar to how they named the current model Nexus 7 the same and just tacked on the 2014 to it.

  3. I think that this time LG will not release Nexus 6 this time.This time either Lenovo or Motorola will develop Nexus 6.

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