Good news for Acer owners: your Android 4.0 updates are finally starting to trickle out. Early adopters who bought the Iconia Tab A500 when it was one of the only Honeycomb tablets available will feel vindicated that they’ll be getting Ice Cream Sandwich very soon. Both the A500 and the smaller A100 will be seeing updates on April 27th (next Friday) in the United States. Canadians get the update on May 3rd (all the better to watch our Galaxy S III liveblog!) and those in Latin America will get updates for the A100 on April 25th and for the A500 on April 27th.

Both Acer tablets use Tegra 2 processors and a full gigabyte of RAM, a combination that’s been proven to run Ice Cream Sandwich quite well. The 10-inch A500 has a standard 1280×800 and the 7-inch A100 uses 1024×600, again, both tried and tested resolutions. And judging by the rollout of Ice Cream Sandwich on the Iconia Tab A200, the slightly updated 10-inch model, everything should go smoothly. The newer tablet was updated to Android 4.0 back in February.

There are a few unanswered questions yet: one, Acer’s website mentions the updates for Mexico and Brazil separately from Latin America, with only “TBA Mid-April” to go on. And the version number of ICS isn’t mentioned either, though since it’s listed as “4.0.x” across the board, Acer will probably go with 4.0.3 as they did with the A200. At least you won’t need a separate computer to flash the new software – when the time comes, just go to your Settings app and press “About Tablet>System Update>Check Now” to begin the update process. If you’re the impatient type, you could always try the leaked version.

[device id=973]


[via Droid-Life]


    • They clearly said the same time as the a100 o April 27 in the us. I’m twelve so my a100 which is my first tab and I too have been waiting for I cs

  1. Can’t wait. I may give in and upgrade to the A510 quad core. The more I see it the more I’m ready to make the leap. I love my A500.


    Picaim is a project that aims to become a social network to see and share things that are happening in your city and in the world.
    The service is based on sharing geo-located photos of things that are happening in your city.

    The great idea is that photos can not be sent by the computer, just for mobile devices, and only at the moment they were captured. This measure helps prevent false information inserted in the social network.

    This means, you see what is happening, what the person who took the photo has to say, and where that is happening at the moment what is happening.
    You can see content classified by what is happening in your city.

    Also you can post anonymously, if you wish to protect their identity to share with the world.

    Anyone can see what is happening in your city on our web site, without registration or application for mobile.

    The project still has very few users, and we are asking for help to all who possess an android phone, just download the application, test and share with friends in your city.

    To check out the project, visit:

    The application for Android already available in the market!

    Help us to share with the twitter hashtag: #PicaimForAndroid

    OBS.: If you can not take the picture because of the gps location, try again in an open environment.

  3. Got the update last week and overly dissappointed! This update has force closed more in the last 5 days than before the update in 5 weeks!

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