We have seen plenty of news regarding the long awaited Droid Bionic. The screenshot below isn’t new and we saw it at the beginning of July. Apparently the same date of August 4th has been floating around in both Walmart, and Sams Club as of late showing the official launch date of the Droid Bionic. It was accurate with the Droid 3 so why not be good for the Bionic right?
Just as a refresh the latest leaks revealed a few photos of the phone and it looks to be a real winner, lets just hope Moto unlocks the bootloader sometime this year (yeah right). August 4th is coming up quick and we’ve been hearing reports that the release date is a little farther than that, it did recently pass the FCC.
Best Buy recently teased us with an ad of the Bionic then a few days later it officially appeared on Verizon’s website. Between all the leaks, the FCC, and these internal screenshots the August 4th date could very possibly be the date we all get some hands-on with this super phone. I have my doubts and that could just be when they receive stock of said device.
Either way we will be getting a review model in ASAP to test not only that dual-core processor, but the 4G LTE speeds and if both of those huge specs cause battery issues. Make sure you stay tuned because we will have the Droid Bionic in for review as soon as humanly possible.
[via Droid-Life]
What stupid Twitter re-tweets. Drop the re-tweets and just make an actual comment.
I’m really turned off by Motorola and Verizon. They are playing games with their customers.