Google Play already has a wide selection of movies and TV shows to watch on your Android devices, but get ready for even more. Over 600 new titles from Twentieth Century Fox are coming to both Google Play and YouTube. All of the new content will be available to either rent or buy.

FOX TV shows such as Glee, Modern Family, New Girl and Family Guy will now be up for grabs, as well as movies like X-Men, Ice Age, Black Swan and Prometheus. You can actually buy Prometheus in HD right now for $15, three weeks ahead of its Blu-ray, DVD and video-on-demand release. Twentieth Century Fox plans to do this with more movies in the future, so if Prometheus isn’t your cup of tea, be sure to keep an eye out for more early releases of Twentieth Century Fox films.

Google is working on getting all six major movie studios on board to provide users with the ability to buy or rent content on Google’s services. Paramount is already on board with over 500 movies available. Google is also working with several independent studios to bring even more content to Google Play and YouTube.

The service is only available to U.S. and Australian users currently, but Google is working on rolling it out to more countries. Most movies in the Google Play store are price anywhere from $4 to $7. TV shows cost around $2 per episode, with complete seasons priced at around $15-$25, depending on the show.



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