According to a report by Re/Code, Android enthusiasts may be having their day soon. It seems as though Google wasn’t pleased with what they saw at CES, as Samsung’s new Magazine UI and various double-dipping apps has caused discussion between the two. Samsung has reportedly agreed to stop going their own way, and will be reigning in the silliness.

It could have been at CES where the two began discussions about their mysterious patent agreement, too. As Google execs were checking out the new NotePRO tablet, they were a bit miffed at the Magazine UI. Simply put, it wasn’t what they wanted for Android, and felt it was a step too far away from center.

Many Android fans agree that Samsung is taking Android, and making their own thing of it. While that’s not necessarily bad, they needlessly tweak and “fix” things they don’t need to. Many of their ‘S’ branded apps needlessly copy what Google has already done. While they’ve been left to do as they pleased for some time now, Google may have stepped in to intervene.

Samsung Apps

A separate report from a few days ago also highlights that part of the discussions may have involved TouchWiz influencing Android a bit more, which may have also generated at these talks. According to Re/Code, there may have been an about-face for Samsung, in which they’ll now let Google’s apps have their day on Samsung devices. What influence they may or may not have there is unknown, but the two companies are now working a bit closer together, and that’s a good thing for everyone.

It really is time that Samsung stop trying so hard to re-invent a perfectly round wheel. Their apps are usually only different, not unique or otherwise special in any way when compared to Google’s. Re/Code also notes that part of the concession google made could have been a hardware deal — another thing we’ve mentioned previously.

As neither company will actually divulge what took place at the discussions, or what agreements were arrive at, we’re left to observe as time goes on. Both companies can learn from one another, and each brings a lot to the table. For both, a closer, collaborative effort is probably beneficial. The provider of the world’s most popular open source mobile platform and their biggest OEM partner just can’t go separate ways — it’s not healthy.


  1. Should scrap know unless requested all well and good having the security but if you don’t want it then should be fully removable

  2. While I wish they would stop making Internet and Email over Chrome and Gmail, I do have to say that the Samsung calendar app is awesome on the Note 3. They take advantage of the stylus features, and I enjoy the visuals a little more.

  3. “It really is time that Samsung stop trying so hard to re-invent a perfectly round wheel.” Google or Andoid is not perfect, you know, there’s still room for improvement. At least Samsung is trying. I just wish you had the choice to remove the unwanted apps. Plus what’s good for Google isn’t necessary good for users: forcing Google+ on Android users, the removal of the stock browser, Hangouts instead of a separate texting app, … Once again: I prefer choice.

  4. Android is open. Samsung, if it suits you, do what you want. But I prefer the Google version of just about everything so i have to believe this is all so you can build Tizen off the back of Android/TouchWiz

  5. So, Google want all manufacturers to make reference phones only. Manufacturers make hardware only, services ($) and software are mine. Samsung have been provided Google edition phones… so what’s the concern? Customers can choose what they want.

  6. Still wondering what about the existing apps..i dont want them…and no option to remove then as well..unnecessary wastage of resources for which i pay…hope Samsung soon relases an update which will enable us to remove those useless apps !

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