This Thursday the developers at Mediocre announced not only the release of their radically awesome Sprinkle puzzle game as right this second, today, on the Android Market, but the fact that they’re currently working with NVIDIA to optimize the game for the quad-core Project Kal-El processors of the near future. Don’t get your pants in too much of a bundle at the moment, though as they’ve not let slip anything about release date in their excitement over the release of this already excellent water and fire-based game.
As you may already know, we’ve got a full blown review of Sprinkle as it exists in pre-release, though the full version is sure to be very VERY similar – that being the version you’re downloading today. Mediocre is the first group to officially announce their intent to literally be in works to optimize an already-existing game for the futuristic Project Kal-El quad-core processor from NVIDIA.
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As NVIDIA and the developers at Mediocre put it:
It’s clear that two processing cores deliver better performance than a single core. Add even more cores, and you get even more performance. To that end, Mediocre is preparing a future version ofSprinkle that will take advantage of NVIDIA’s upcoming quad-core Kal-El mobile processor.
As Mediocre puts it, “With Project Kal-El around the corner, these are interesting times for mobile game developers – especially for those of us who are making physics-based games. We think Sprinkle is a good example of how to use complex physics simulation for gameplay and not just effects.”
Of course this doesn’t mean that there aren’t ANY other developers working with NVIDIA to optimize games for their next SoC. From the first time we heard of the NVIDIA Project Kal-El Quad Core Super Chip back during Mobile World Congress 2011. In fact, one of the games we’ve already seen running on an early version of the quad-core processor was Great Battles: Medieval which you can see in action here:
[vms 96320eb3afdd4df6e1f6]
Then there’s NVIDIA Project Kal-El running a game that’s not yet released called Glowball. This game also looks utterly fantastic, if I do say to myself:
You can purchase Sprinkle from Mediocre [on the Android Market] right this moment for a grand total of $1.99. It’s rated “Everyone” and requires Android 2.3 Gingerbread and up, this of course including Android 3.0 Honeycomb for Android tablets as well.
why aren’t these games on PC? I WANT SPRINKLE ON PC!