The Nova Launcher is perhaps one of the most popular and most successful apps of its kind. It’s turning a year older so we’re expecting more updates for the app launcher. It’s getting one soon but is still in the stable version with some Android O enhancements. We first saw the Android O look with the 5.2 beta after the Beta got Dynamic Badges a few months earlier. This time around, the newest version of the launcher brings more futuristic elements to your Android mobile device even if already old.
Android 5.0 Lollipop phones are considered old already but they can now enjoy the latest Nova Launcher version. It adds another important feature that the Android community will appreciate–Google Now. In Nova Launcher, it is known as the Nova Google Companion so you can enjoy what Google Now has to offer.
You will not see the app launcher on the Play Store yet but the APK file is now downloadable from the APK Mirror and TeslaCoilApps page.
If you want to install Nova Google Companion APK, download it first from HERE. You must be running at least Nova Launcher 5.2 beta2. Proceed to Nova Settings and choose Google Now to enable the page.
VIA: SlashGear