Google’s very own Nexus Player is a bit old and may be due for a follow-up but the tech giant is giving it an update soon. The next software update will arrive with Android 8.0 Oreo goodness. This is expected since this media device has been receiving Android O Developer Previews the past months. It’s actually a fulfillment of Android Oreo bringing new home screen experience to Android TV.

The Nexus Player is three years old but it can still keep up with similar products being introduced in the market. A recent bug that made the Nexus Player upload data unknowingly was disappointing but it’s not stopping Google to give up. In fact, more improvements are on the way.

Specific fix for the bug will come with the final Android 9.0 build. It’s actually ready now for download. The Factory image and OTA are both available. Look for build number OPR6.170623.021. Automatic update is also possible if you don’t feel like manually flashing the images.

Similar to last year when Android Nougat officially rolled out for the Nexus Player, you can wait for the Full OTA notification. If you can’t really wait, there’s the Factory Images provided by Google developers.

VIA: Android Police


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