Remember the 15 second preview for the Motorola XOOM / Android 3.0 Honeycomb commercial we showed you a couple days ago? Now we’ve got the whole thing. It’s just been shown during a break in the Superbowl, depicting what we already know, an array of Podlings walking to a train, an outsider amongst them wielding a Motorola XOOM tablet. What happens after that is where it gets weird.
Once the group and the individual fellow get to where they’re going, you realize they’ve been heading to work. Each of their cubicles is even more shut off from one another than the gray-sided cubes you’re used to from Office Space. These are enclosed in windows on all sides, and the point that each person wearing iPod earbuds is closed off from everyone else is pushed hard.
One of the female Podlings is singled out, her earbuds in her ears, her eyes blank. The XOOM man has a bouquet of flowers that he takes a photo of with the tablet, and uses to create an animated video. This video he sends to the lady’s unidentified desktop computer, and the man appears at her cube, like a creeper. At this point she pulls the plugs out of her ears that looks up, and they ARE IN LOVE.
The messages at the end of the video is “THE TABLET TO CREATE A BETTER WORLD” and “Motorola XOOM with Google – The world’s first Android 3.0 tablet.” Take a peek at the full at here:
[Via ShareMoto]
Xoom is totally awesome. I want it.
The writer misses the critical point that ties it ALL TOGETHER. The book the guy is reading on his XOOM is 1984. What they’re doing is showing us the contrast of 1984 and superbowl commercials. Apple has created its own version of 1984, 27 years later, and now XOOM wants to give us our freedom back. Incredibly well done.
Everyone gets it, but thanks for being pedantic.
…. who missed that point? i’m sorry, who?
Ultimately this commercial is a failure. No one other than the people coming to places like this will give the commercial the level of analysis it needs. Too many layers of metaphor. I would bet that half the audience actually thought this was an iPad commercial. A big oops!
Ultimately this commercial is a failure. No one other than the people coming to places like this will give the commercial the level of analysis it needs. Too many layers of metaphor. I would bet that half the audience actually thought this was an iPad commercial. A big oops!
oh snap i bet you’re right
New leak from Best Buy has the Xoom at $799.99, and requires at least one month of a data plan to be able to use wifi. Its gonna be $900 bucks just to get out of the store. Ouch! This may have changed my mind.
800? hardly. more like 500 or 6
Tflinsider, I think the target audience is plenty savvy enough to understand the metaphors. Big Apple has become Big Brother. The legions of fanboys (i.e. podlings) may not get it, but the rest of us do.
Tflinsider, I think the target audience is plenty savvy enough to understand the metaphors. Big Apple has become Big Brother. The legions of fanboys (i.e. podlings) may not get it, but the rest of us do.