So you have all been following along with Google I/O right? If not check out all things I/O here. There were so many announcements about Android Ice Cream Sandwich, and Android 3.1 Honeycomb updates and more. For those that might have missed it Android 3.0 Honeycomb is being officially upgraded to 3.1 and the roll-out started OTA yesterday. From the Google event word was spread that it was for 3G only, and Wifi Xooms would have to wait a few weeks.

According to multiple users at XDA, and a few other places users of both the 3G model as well as the Wifi model are getting the OTA update. Although we have no way to confirm this photo, here is a picture of the OTA update on a xda members Motorola Xoom, it was told that he had never activated on Verizon and it came over Wifi. So the reports are coming in, have you got your update yet?

Again for more details of the 3.1 update, as well as some Google I/O live footage thanks to our wonderful team check out this story. As more news drops about the 3.1 update we will be sure to cover it. I’ve read reports there were changes to the bootloader, but it should still be completely open and unlocked unlike other Motorola devices, so that is good news. For now check out the XDA Xoom Section for more information and updates.

[via XDA Forums]


  1. How are they determining the roll out priority? I’ve got a Verizon Xoom but, sadly, it says that no updates are available. My Xoom appears to check every 11 hours so the next time for me is 11pm tonight. :o(

    • Go to settings/date and time/change time from auto to manual and make the date tomorrow and hit the home button, that will make it check. Then change it back

  2. This sucks……I live in la’ I have wifi models. One updated auto one is still nt updated????

    The one that updated won’t run the killerest app which is nuance t9 keyboard…….

    I tried to download from android market but it knew that it was an updated machine and does not even show nuance products.

    Meanwhile I can still find nuance with any device running 3.0.1

    I really need tat keyboard for my other devices…..I have business that deals with medical office.

    This blows

  3. Why do I have to wait for an update? Because I don’t want to be a slave to verizon I don’t matter? That’s bull. I expect more from google…

  4. I have a wifi xoom and I received the update. However…. movie rentals are NOT available from the market place. According to a person who runs the official Motorola forum the wifi xooms will get the movie update at a “future time”.

    So while I can resize widgets I can’t rent movies. Makes one wonder WHY they updated any wifi xooms in the first place.

    • Movies won’t be available on the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 with 3.2 either.  They are saying the same thing “at a later time” but engadget reported that it will be updated before July to include movies…

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