It’s finally here, what everyone that has an EVO 3D or Sensation has been waiting for. To be able to achieve S-OFF, Root and get a recovery for your phone. It is now available for download but before I get into it I figured I’d hurry and share the news with the world. This is just breaking so bare with me.
Just like we told you this morning this was coming today and I’m glad they got it done so fast. You can read the original post here. Follow @unrevoked for all the details over the coming days if you need more information. With help from many developers team Unrevoked and AlphaRev have finally made this available for the mass public if you dare.
The details are still light but if you head over to the main download page at revolutionary.io you can download this and get started right now for both Windows and Linux. This is still a developer preview but the devices have been tested pretty thoroughly but you could still run into issues. If you aren’t completely confident in what you are doing I suggest you wait a few days for everything to get ironed out.
Next all I need is CyanogenMod which is coming soon and I’ll be happy. Full details at the via below.
[via Revolutionary]