Well folks, we just received word right from Google of an upcoming event that will clearly be about Google Music. It looks like the time has finally come and Google will be announcing and showing the world what they have in store for Google Music. If the “These Go to Eleven” didn’t ring a bell for anyone, think Spinal Tap. If you don’t know what that is I suggest you Google that, and enjoy it. Recent Google Music pages pointed to a music store coming to the Android Market, but we’ll all know the details come next week.

We’ve been patiently waiting for some sort of Music options in Android for a long time. We do have things like Amazon MP3 or Spotify but a full on solution to iTunes could be lurking here, or maybe not. Recent rumors suggest Google has been planning and preparing its very own MP3 store will all sorts of new options that will change the way we use and consume music on mobile devices.

Most likely we can expect some sort of music purchasing solution, maybe even some sharing included. We have a feeling Google+ integration will be there too. With new features coming in Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich such as Android Beam we might even get a few different ways to find and share music with our friends and family. This has just hit the wires and as soon as we hear more details we’ll be sure to update everyone. Stay tuned as we’ll be covering the “These Go to Eleven” news event by Google right here, live at 2:00 PM PT. You can also follow along at YouTube.com/Android for live video in case Nigel himself shows up.


  1. I’m pretty pumped for this. The speculations on its features that were included in a previous article sounded like one of the best things to happen to music since the mp3 player. Cannot wait!

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