Ever since Google acquired Webpass, the Google Fiber service has significantly expanded its wireless capabilities and reach. The high-speed Internet provider defintely helped the tech giant to expand wireless broadband service. It’s been months see it was just an FCC filing and now it’s a reality. A new city will experience the wonders of Google Fiber and Webpass. Denver is the next city that will receive the service. This means if you live in an area wired with Ethernet, you can connect with Webpass and start enjoying superfast Internet service.

The Google Fiber team also announced that they just hired a new General Manager in the person of Roger Fitch. Fitch is expected to bring his expertise and 30 years of experience in telecom and Internet. A local data center is currently being built in Denver to improve the service and bring point-to-point wireless radios in the city.

Webpass in Denver is offered for only $60 per month. High speed Internet comes at a price but you can enjoy highspeed service up to 1GIG from 100 Mbps to 200 Mbps to 500 Mbps. That’s really fast so the amount is worth it.

Now we understand why the Google Fiber group discontinued expansion last year. This Webpass seems to be much better and easier to take advantage of.

SOURCE: Google Fiber Blog


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