Google has been slowly adding features to Wallet in recent months. Few of these new additions were all that exciting by themselves, but it does show how Google has been shifting the service. If you remember back, Google Wallet first launched with focus on making in-store payments with your smartphone.

Many will also remember those in-store payments were accepted by few stores. And on top of that, the device support wasn’t all that great. But while many believed Wallet would fade away (or simply be shut down) — it seems Google is planning for the opposite. Ariel Bardin, head of Google Payments recently said they (Google) “have been doing this for a while” and they plan to “keep doing this for a long while.”

Bardin was speaking at the Electronic Transaction Association tradeshow in Las Vegas where he acknowledged the slow consumer adoption. We suspect some of that could be tied back to Wallet once being limited to those with NFC devices. But that is all changing thanks to these recent additions.

Some of the items Google has added to Wallet include Orders for tracking online purchases and the ability to add new cards by taking a picture. We’ve also seen a loyalty card program that addressed one key issue — you no longer need the physical reward card. And who can forget the physical MasterCard debit cards.

Bardin touched on the new features by saying how they “now offer many different types of payments and services.” And connecting back to Google planning to stay with Wallet — he also touched on how they are in “the payment business to create a great user experience.” Basically, it seems as if we can expect to keep seeing new features and additions coming to Wallet.



  1. “Basically, it seems as if we can expect to keep seeing new features and additions coming to Wallet.”

    Screw features! How about adding new Countries. I’m now on my 4th NFC capable phone and still there is no sign of it in the UK(or outside of America.).

    Getting tired of waiting now.

  2. Then why on earth are you just about to cut off all but less than 5% or your users from Tap and Pay? I was happy with it. It worked JUST FINE. Now you’re cutting me off because I’m not one of the less than 5% with Kit-kat and just the right hardware? It works NOW, so there’s no technical reason it can’t work next month. Please don’t do this!


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