The rest of the world may be keeping the Samsung Galaxy S II from us here in the states, but to show we’re not bitter the Google+ app is now available to download internationally. If you have a Google+ account, but don’t live in the United States, the Google+ account hasn’t been available on the Android Market yet. There is always the mobile web site, but this app is great, and makes following, say your favorite Android Community, that much easier.

Google’s given no word on why they haven’t released the Google+ Android app internationally, but testers have confirmed installing the APK has worked just fine. Of course, you do have to have a Google+ account for it to do you much good. If you don’t have one quite yet, hang in there, invites seem to be turning on more frequently the past few days.

The app gives you some pretty cool features, not the least of which is instant notifications and the ability to view posts directly from the app. You also get access to huddles, an awesome multi-user chat tool and the ability to instantly upload pictures and videos you take to Google+. You can grab the app here or at the original thread at XDA. Happy +’ing!

[via XDA]


  1. Did you fact check this before posting?

    Google + is not usa only

    Google + app is not restricted for download

    Google + app has been always available in Australia for download…. Last time I looked Australia was outside the USA.

    • i’m here in indonesia, my gtab cannot download the google+ via market.
      the .apk from xda forum works perfectly on gtab.

  2. I’m in Denmark and got a Google+ account on friday july 1st. As soon as I got the account I logged in to the G+ mobile site and the first thing it did was to offer me the app. So at least it wasn’t limited to the US at first. I don’t know if it is limited now though.

  3. Right. Another crappy post on the site. I have Google+ from its first day and it works like a charm on my HTC Flyer. You’re more than 3 months behind with this April Fool…

  4. Strange there’s been so much interest from arguably US-centric Android news sites in getting the Google+ app to international users when, in fact it appears the Market version _is_ avaliable internationally (at least is is for me in the UK), yet meanwhile there’s been practically no interest by such sites in getting the Google Music app to international users – now of course the service is US-only, but as Google pointed out at I/O, the app does work fine with local content (without the service).

  5. Yeah, there wasn’t much ‘research’ done on this one. It had NOTHING to do with being “international” at all. 

    • You have not done your research either. The app was not available in all countries with paid apps. I can tell because Ireland has paid apps and it was not available there at launch.

  6. In Egypt and the middle east versions is not yet available , it seems it’s for the market that have paid apps , while the middle east still not yet as they are providing the devices with weird apps that u won’t use !!

  7. you’re wrong. G+ was available on the market from day 1 outside US…
    I’m in Holland and is available (and already using it)

  8. thoroughly fed up with all these US based Android sites now. Announce things available but then we find out it’s US only but they refuse to put that in their stories, now they try to make out they are international by doing a story like this when it’s completely incorrect.
    All the Android news sites need to make a decision, are you US only or international. If US only then you should state that so we don’t waste our time reading about apps that we can never get hold of. If International, then get some people outside the US on your staff so you don’t write stupid stories like this where the Google+ app has been out in most (not all, bus most) countries since launch day.

  9. That’s weird – I installed the app several days ago – no problem installing it here in Australia.  And that was before I had a + account.

  10. That’s weird – I installed the app several days ago – no problem installing it here in Australia.  And that was before I had a + account.

  11. That’s weird – I installed the app several days ago – no problem installing it here in Australia.  And that was before I had a + account.

  12. I knew it was available in some countries. I have an android phone but i couldn’t download it google said it was not available for my country. But thanks for sharing the apk file… now i have the google+ app on my phone!!

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