If you’re like us, then you probably use Twitter quite often to follow @Androids and keep up with the latest smartphone news and rumors. One of the most popular Twitter apps for Android, Falcon Pro, has been a hot topic lately because they keep running out of token limits and are having to deny users access to their app. And now, as of this morning it’s no longer available on the Play Store.
Twitter has a ridiculous 100,000 limit on 3rd party apps, something which has caused amazing apps by great developers to abandon their Twitter clients. And now it looks like Falcon is falling victim to the same limit being imposed (sadly) by Twitter. This isn’t the first time they’ve dealt with it, and even Monday reset the apps token limit for those no longer using the app on their Android phones.
The plan here by Falcon is to revoke all tokens for the app, requiring users to update from the Play Store and sign in again. Which then weeds out users that initially downloaded and used Falcon, but have since moved on to other options, clients, or smartphone platforms. However, after the first time gave them a month of new users, Monday’s reset only lasted one day before Twitter shut it down. Well, according to the developers “Did Twitter just shut me down?”
For now we’re not exactly sure what is going on with Falcon Pro, the popular Twitter client for Android, but in an attempt to solve the issue the developers have just removed the app from the Google Play Store. This way users don’t pay the $1.99 only to have a Falcon that doesn’t work. For those curious, if you already have the app and are signed in and enjoying it, things should continue to work. At least for now, but anything is possible at this point.
This situation isn’t getting any better and we’re hoping Twitter addresses the problem, but that’s doubtful. For now a pretty great alternative Twitter app is Robird Android, and you can learn more on Falcon’s fate from the link below.
VIA: @Falcon_Pro
Someone can explain me, what is “token limit”?, I dont get it. (Thanks)
Twitter only allows 100,000 users to enjoy any third party Twitter app. They want us all using their under-featured version instead.
When you sign into the app and ‘authenticate’ it with Twitter.. you are using one of the 100,000 authentication tokens.. So once 100,000 people try out the app (even if they stop using it) the app can no longer get more, and it doesn’t work.
He reset all tokens, requiring everyone to sign in and re-authenticate, which purged all those who no longer use the app.. and apparently Twitter didn’t like that move
I think 100,000 tokens is not fair, but Twitter doesn’t want to add more tokens, meh!
At least I use TweetCaster Pro.
I purchased Falcon Pro last week. I never signed out, at least on my own. It did update, I saw that because it shows on the phone’s bar what updates have occurred. … However, this morning I picked up my phone to see any Twitter updates, and I was signed out. I had to sign in again, except I couldn’t sign in again…. So no, just being a current user, doesn’t guarantee you can use it. I can’t….