Dayframe, now at version 2.0, is just one of those apps that has taken advantage of the newly released Cast SDK. Unfortunately, it seems that it might have gotten too excited and is now being asked to pull out Chromecast support temporarily.
Earlier this week, Google finally launched its Cast SDK to let developers create apps that interact with the Chromecast dongle. Considering how developers have been waiting for this news for quite a while now, it’s not surprising to see some immediately jump at the chance to add Chromecast support fo their apps. Koush already added it immediately to his AllCast app, while Rdio and Beats have announced that they are working with Google to also bring the functionality to their products.
Dayframe is the latest to join in on the fun with the rollout of version 2 of the app. With the new casting functionality, users will be able to show their images on the big screen. Unfortunately, the feature is only available when you upgrade to Dayframe Prime, which costs $2.99 via an in-app purchase. The video below demonstrates how the new feature works.
However, rejoicing might be a bit premature. Although the Cast SDK is already out, support for it on Google Play isn’t. Dayframe makers Cloud.TV was asked to pull out support for Chromecast for the time being while Google prepares a new version of the Google Play SDK with proper support built-in. Those who have purchased Dayframe Prime will be refunded and will just have to wait until the next update that will permanently put the Cast button back into the app.
VIA: Android Police