Told ya, Xiaomi is busy. But hey, what tech company isn’t busy these days? It’s actually better than being silent just waiting for financial reports to tell you revenue is going down. It may have been replaced by Huawei but Hugo Barra’s baby will continue to deliver quality products. We’re expecting the Xiaomi Max, MIUI 8, a chipset, plus possibly a Xiaomi UnionPay mobile payment service (Xiaomi Pay?).
Xiaomi entered the wearable game with the Mi Band 1S late last year and now we’re expecting the Mi Smartwatch. That’s aside from the Xaiomi Mi Band 2. The Xiaomi Mi smartwatch is something we’ve been anticipating for since the old Millet smartwatch rumors emerged a few years ago.
No more guessing as Xiaomi’s VP Liu De confirmed that a Mi smartwatch is almost ready. There’s a smartwatch and it’s about to be unveiled this 2nd quarter. Not much details have been shared but the company who makes the Mi Band, Huami, said the two will be out this Q2. Aside from the Mi band and the kids smartwatch, another wearable product will make shopping for a watch more confusing.
The Xiaomi Mi smartwatch should be more affordable compared to the popular wearables in the market today. The industry has already been established. It’s now up to the companies and OEMs to make them affordable and accessible for more people.
i hope casio makes an android g-shock watch that would be cool.
I would NOT buy ANYTHING from Xiaomi again. I purchased their YI action cam, which was so OUT OF FOCUS, I had to open it myself and spend over 3 HOURS to get it to an acceptable level of focus. As far as I’m concerned, Xiaomi has NO QC, and makes CRAP products. So, they can take this smart watch and stick it some where …
…probably made by slaves, too.
To be fair you could have bought a GoPro for 3 to 4 times the price but you decided to save money and purchase a cheap camera from China, and on top of that to save yourself a couple more bucks you ordered it direct shipping from China which means that if it turns out defective probably costs more to return than it is worth. Had you had the sense to pay just a bit more and bought it from a reputable seller like Amazon you would have had a 30 day return policy instead of having to repair it yourself.
Xiaomi makes some pretty great products for not a lot of money but sometimes if you are not careful you get what you pay for.
I don’t care WHO I bought the camera from. When I buy something, I expect it to WORK … I’m funny like that. I also bought a Gitup Git2, and it didn’t require any fixing before I used it. In fact, I’ve bought dozens of items from “China Retailers” and most have Worked. When I found that my Xiaomi YI was focused to a distance of 6 ft, I looked for solutions online. There are DOZENS of “How to Fix the Xiaomi YI Focus Problem” Videos on YouTube. Rather than go through what would have been a long and tedious return process, I opted to fix it, like thousands of other YI owners. It is unforgivable for a large consumer electronics company like Xiaomi to produce crap. This focus problem still plagues the YI to this day, as I recently watched a YouTube reviewer, who had to replace the 1st YI he purchased because it was destroyed in a quadcopter racing accident. This further proves that it is unwise to buy ANYTHING from a company who’s products continue to be shipped in a defective state, desplte that flaw having been around for well over a year. I refuse to be a “Xiaomi Guinea Pig” again.