Bloatware will always be available in every device unless the manufacturer or mobile carrier decides to remove them. They’re just there in your phone or tablet and it’s up to you if, how, and when you will do away with them. We’ve featured numerous ways on how to delete or avoid bloatware on specific phones like the Sony Xperia M4 Aqua, LG G3, and the old Galaxy S4 among others.
Another easy way is to use the Debloater app but we’re not certain if those will work at all for most devices. One of the more infamous devices due to bloatware is the ASUS ZenFone 2 Laser. Owners have been complaining that it has a lot of unnecessary bloatware, taking much of the phone’s storage or runtime memory.
Finally, ASUS has released the Android 6.0 Marshmallow software update that will deliver a number of things including decrease in internal storage and relocation of media file to an SD card for backup. This particular update may bring the Marshmallow features but it will no longer support APP2SD. As most users have been waiting for, more apps will no longer be pre-installed on the ZenPlus 2.
It’s one long list of bloatware but here goes: Omlet, Data Transfer, Photo Frame, ASUS Backup, Dr. Safety, What’s NexT, Party Link, Remote Link, PC Link, Yahoo Shopping, EZ Din, TripAdvisor, Zinio, EZ Ding, Dr.eye, Google+, Puffin Browser, Mirror, and Google settings. Also another important change is the absence of the Asus Messaging, Asus Calendar, and Email. .