If you’ve ever wished you could run a specific Windows program on Android, you probably have been using Android since its older days. The huge number of Android applications available via the Google Play Store means that there might be some sort of alternative app for your specific Windows program. For the times when there really is not, Codeweavers is trying to make it easy for us by working on the Wine compatibility layer for Linux-based systems, which can now be built into an APK installer and installed on your own Android device.
Codeweavers has been working on the Wine project for a bit of time now. And Wine is not just a Windows emulator, it’s a full compatibility layer. So this means not just running Windows on an app, but making sure that the Android device’s processor package can actually run both Windows and whatever program you install on it. Wine version 3.0 is still in beta, but you can install it now, with a bit of work. When you install the APK, the app opens up to a full screen Windows 7 interface, with your beloved start menu.
You can grab the installer via the Wine download page, or you can build your own (check the source link). Some people have already tried it and said that it runs good on some devices – like the OnePlus 5T – and crashes on other devices, like the original Google Pixel. This is why building your own installer could be key to running it on your specific device. One good reminder is that you may need to pair your device with a Bluetooth keyboard for operations, as the software keyboard on your device will not be immediately recognized by Windows.
Also, we need to remind you that Wine does not come with programs, so you will need to provide installers for whatever program you want to run. A bit of caveat, Wine v3 runs better on devices with x86 processors than those with ARM processors – and unfortunately, most Android devices run on ARM-based chipsets. If on a device with an ARM processor, you’ll be limited to running apps ported to Windows RT. XDA has a nice list of what apps you can run.
SOURCE: Josh Max