This has been a pretty large story over the last few days. Apple is suing Samsung basically for stealing their iPhone design. A photo appeared showing what is the Samsung F700 claiming it was before the iPhone, and that has started a little firestorm of discussion. Both our sister site SlashGear and all of us here on Android Community have it out for incorrect factoids, thusly here come the dogs – onward, to truth!
This picture above says the F700 was shown at CeBit 2006, and then released in 2007, making Apple and the iPhone the one that copied them. This is completely false. We here love Android, not Apple, but this is a interesting story and I just felt like sharing either way. Even if Apple is in the right. According to the picture the F700 was introduced in 2006, and Apple stole the design. I’m not going to get to deep on this, but the F700 was never seen until February of 2007 and our very own slashgear had it completely covered. This is AFTER Apple announced and showed the world the iPhone January 9th 2007 at MacWorld.
We can go even deeper here also. The photo above mentions that the Samsung F700 was “shown” at CeBit 2006, that is wrong it was 2007. Here is the hard proof.
Here is SlashGears Vincent Nguyen live at Cebit 2007 on March 15th getting a look at the phone, at the end of the video he says an exclusive look is coming next.
Here is the next video, and it shows some hands-on of the F700 looking very much like not-final-hardware, or software for that matter. It barely worked. If they had been working on it since 2006, wouldn’t the review model at Cebit 2007 work better than this video below. You’d think so.
We can even go back to February 7th 2007 with iphonebuzz showing the F700, and mentioning it as a copy, and a possible competitor to the iPhone, clearly after the iPhone. When you really get down to this stories deep roots, it looks like in the beginning Apple had the design and Samsung tried to copy it, but failed miserably. You might also be asking that if the F700 was shown at CeBit 2007, Samsung was certainly working on it well before that during 2006, and that is before the original iPhone got unveiled. So did Samsung have the design first and Apple steal it. We don’t know, but this is some pretty hard evidence. Here is another piece of information for you, the orignal iPhone used many Samsung parts, so the question remains – was Samsung privy to some sort of reference design? Or was Apple privy to some sort of reference design?
Either way it takes way more than a month or even 3 to get a design made up and tested and some review models out. Most likely years. Vincent from Slashgear visited the Apple testing facilities and they even told him most devices take around 2 years to develop and test. Although Apple does seem to test their devices more thoroughly than others. So who started first, who knew what. This is all for you the reader to decide. I’ve already spent way to much of my Android time on this Apple story, so I’m going to leave you with one final piece from iphonebuzz. It is a FCC filing from Apple in October of 2006 about the iPhone, asking for confidentiality regarding many details and documents about the iPhone. Meaning they had been working on it long before that.
So what do you all think? Is Samsung going to get their pants sued off? Tell us below in the comments.
The samsung F700 was a phone which I almost bought
I remember it well lol
Shame apple has to be a bitch…
shame that you are a bitch
Shame that you are a fag
Shame that you are a lesbian. Okay, I think everybody had a chance to be offended, oh yeah, and fuck the lithuanians thinking they are so damn cool. Okay, lets end this thread already
HHey there ya’ll! There’s a whole lot of evil in this world as it is already. So first, let’s grow up and stop acting as if we’re juveniles here. All that I have to say about this whole Apple, Android debate is this. I have 2 Masters degrees and 1 Doctrine in Thea reticle Physics. My wife hasn’t stepped foot in a college or university of any kind. She uses an iPhone, I use an Android. I think that is sufficient enough.
OK, howabout the LG Prada! That was announced in 2006 and seen in January 2007.
I didn’t touch bases on the LG Prada, as it was also a very close call regarding who had what first, we wont really know, but I did hear about it winning that award in what Oct 2006. That is when Apple was already filing that FCC paper above, so they were well into deep development.
We covered the Prada on SlashGear… afterall this is AndroidCommunity. I didn’t wanna talk about apple for long.
google it. The CEO of LG is still thinking of suing.
I didn’t touch bases on the LG Prada, as it was also a very close call regarding who had what first, we wont really know, but I did hear about it winning that award in what Oct 2006. That is when Apple was already filing that FCC paper above, so they were well into deep development.
We covered the Prada on SlashGear… afterall this is AndroidCommunity. I didn’t wanna talk about apple for long.
OK, howabout the LG Prada! That was announced in 2006 and seen in January 2007.
Apple needs to grow up
So if you’re at work, and you write a big report for the boss and leave it in her in-box and I grab it and change the title and add my name to it and hand it in and get a promotion and raise, everyone should tell YOU to grow up cause shit happens?
Are you suggesting that Samsung stole the iPhone concept, before the public saw it, or even knew what an iPhone was?
Woah, sounds like somebody got fired from work.
Apple needs to grow up
Things look like other things. Apple needs to get over it. Maybe they’re still bitter about Windows.
I’m still bitter about Acorn’s RISCOS
(being pretty fantastic & innovative, but not gaining a decent share of the market, going under, then having ARM tech, and software features bought up, cannibalized or pillaged by all and sundry!)
Where’s my RISOC touch phone and tablet!
I want 1 now!
Hell, if Duke Nukem is finally going to make a comeback, a shiny new Acorn PC can’t be just a pipe bream, can it?
Things look like other things. Apple needs to get over it. Maybe they’re still bitter about Windows.
No really… I’m trying hard but I don’t see the resemblance…
Is it because they both have a big touchscreen??
HOW do these 2 look alike?
yep, they both are just a screen, black border around the screen, plastic at the top and bottom of the screen, and icons. . .
Funny. . . they aren’t talking about the LG Prada that won the IF award in Sep 2006 and looks like these.
The Samsung has more than one button, it could never be confused as an iPhone andApple stole the design from LG.
Any candybar slate style phone with a big touch screen screen is going to look like any other.
Say that to HTC and Motorola who are both making ‘candybar slate’ phones with huge screens that don’t make you think “iPhone” when you see it.
By your logic, all houses would look the same because they are ‘boxes with doors and windows’
While other companies are happily designing their own products to further innovation and push the design envelope, Samsung is trying to ride the coattails of Apple. That is not a company that deserves respect.
I see you missed the part when he mentioned LG, which I assume he is referring to the Prada. Actually demoed, reviewed in 2006, released before the iPhone.
If its about Touchwiz, I kinda agree. But the hardware? Naw…
Yeah, next we should address automotive makers, tire manufacturers, clothes manufacturers, etc. for all “riding the coat tails” of some competitor who follow established convention to create products in a form factor that consumers expect, or a form factor that is the best way to achieve an objective.
Yeah, next we should address automotive makers, tire manufacturers, clothes manufacturers, etc. for all “riding the coat tails” of some competitor who follow established convention to create products in a form factor that consumers expect, or a form factor that is the best way to achieve an objective.
The iPhone is losing market share and Apple is desperately trying to hold on the the King of the Hill title by suing anyone that wants to release a device that might actually be good.
Apple stole the touch screen from nokia and the design from LG
still android copied it..http://photos.appleinsider.com/samsung.suit041811.001.jpg
what happen if apple will copy them the next iphone size 4.0 inch
Then all the other 4″ screen phones before it will cease to have existed to the average iTrolls, iTards and iSheep.
Everyone was working on all touchscreen models during 2006. That’s why Apple rushed out the display of the iPhone a half year before it was actually ready for sale. They knew they had to demonstrate something before the early 2007 trade shows, or risk being seen as second or less.
Everyone was working on all touchscreen models during 2006. That’s why Apple rushed out the display of the iPhone a half year before it was actually ready for sale. They knew they had to demonstrate something before the early 2007 trade shows, or risk being seen as second or less.
And when it was shown, people were blown away by how fluidly it worked. Everything on the demo was what you got when it was released.
What do you call the F700 after watching the video? I’m sure that phone was developed and tested long before the iPhone.
So are you saying a phone can be developed, redesigned in a month?
Yes, it certainly could be. Once you have someone to copy.
Right right…how many features did it have at launch again?
And when it was shown, people were blown away by how fluidly it worked. Everything on the demo was what you got when it was released.
What do you call the F700 after watching the video? I’m sure that phone was developed and tested long before the iPhone.
I am a big Android fan, but I must say I had to look twice when a friend showed me his Galaxy S, and it but me a bit of the galaxy S, I do not want a phone that looks like a Apple Product, even while I am considering strongly to get the new Samsung Galaxy S II, it still something that I don’t like about the phone.
It doesn’t really look like an apple product, apart from the flat screen (duh) and the big home button. Which is a different shape, and its not exactly like there are many options for where to put a button.
Galaxy S has 3 buttons which straight away provide differentiation…
The only way it looks like Apple is if you pull up the apps, and change the menu. then it looks like Apple. I dont want it to look like the iPhone either. but I have to get that phone
Really, who cares… Apple sucks –> innovative my @ss they just added Hotspot for the iPhone 4, what 2 years after it was available on Android phones. Lol, they shook up the mobile phone world because they were able to mass market and create a buying frenzy. They’re good marketers; however, as a phone manufacturer they are a FAD item and as a fad, they too shall pass. They have 1 phone. They are losing developers to create apps. They buy all their parts from other manufacturers including Samsung. They launch new phones with old technology and everyone is suppose to pay *more* for it because it’s a premium device. “If you don’t have an iPhone, you don’t have an iPhone.” LMAO, thankful I don’t have an iPhone!! I like customization and free apps!
I actually think the app store is better on Android. It really annoys me having to enter a password to ‘buy’ a free app on the apple store… I know it caches it for 30 minutes or so but still a PITA, and was a bit difficult to explain to my dad that he needed to put in his credit card to download a FREE app for his iPad…
I still can’t believe how crap both their official appstores are!
no filtering or sorting by price, annoying browsing through different options of the same app to make your choice. Seems like they’re not designed to have more than a few apps listed in them.
There are (IMO) better 3rd party appstores available for both!
I can’t see why they both don’t just give app dev’s an API to the appstores an let the market decide who can make the best app to access it.
I mean, the web version of the Android market is much better than the App for my liking, so a better appstore can be done.
You are so correct, and your idea about an API for the appstores is a good one! I mean, you can choose free apps, or free games, etc, but when doing a search, there is no way currently to sort by price as you point out. STUPID…
How is the iPhone ‘old technology’? Either way, the end experience is much more polished. Marketing only goes so far and if you think marketing is why the iPhone is outselling the Galaxy, you are in need of a reality check.
“innovative my @ss they just added Hotspot for the iPhone 4”
Yeah, you forgot the main part: the iPhone 4.
You need to stop being so biased. Everyone can see right through your fanboyism and you aren’t contributing to the conversation. You can dislike the way a product works, but to say it had no contribution to the market because you hear the world “Apple” is too much.
The Galaxy outsold iPhone in Japan, S.Korea and even the European region.
iPhone is failing because they innovated on the initail device and then sat on it for years. How long did it take the iPhone to get a camera when even the cheapest flip phone had them? It took how long to implement Multitasking, SMS, MMS? Apple has stirred up a market it can no longer compete in.
Take the iPhone 5. If rumored correctly it should be dual core. By the time it is release, the first quad core phone will be announced within to months (if Apple can . Not to mention other phones with 1080p recording, 3D recording, glasses free 3D screens, even the Android OS is becoming more polished than iOS because it Apple just cannot keep up.
Apple is an excellent designer. However, other manufacters are continually implementing better hardware, sturdier and better looking designs, and OSes that are growing at an amazing rate. Apple is about to get steamrolled by a market that it made it what it is today. (talk about drowning in your own feces)
Just like what happened in the PC market wars, soon mr Jobes will retire and Apple will dwindle back to it’s niche market.
Sad, but no amount of marketing double-talk bullshit can prevent it.
That’s clearly just bullshit. Apple has over 40% of the market in Japan and Europe, Android less than 20%. A single Android handset is clearly not outselling the iPhone there. In Korea, maybe, because Samsung is Korean
I said nothing of marketshare. It is going o take some time for anyone to unseat Apple’s large portion of the market. We all know that. It is a fact that Samsung did outsell the iPhone in all of those Areas.
Don’t get upset, it was bound to happen. Apple is known for stirring things up and then falling flat on its face.
Show links to back up what your mouth is saying. All the numbers and experts show that NO current single phone from any mfg has outsold any current single iPhone model.
Collectively based on OS.
the last report I read showed that in the UK, and Germany, (this is wholly O/S based btw) iOS device *sales* have only just begun to be beaten by Android device sales, but that turnaround was pretty fast and immense, so the O/S (but not device) share is looking good for Google right now.
(personally I’d love to see some more action from PALM-HP and webOS, as Palm were always good at applying new ideas)
p.s. I have an iPhone 3GS + Galaxy Tab, and at one point (around y2k) had a Windows touchscreen phone, the “Triump Mondo” (got it for free, but it would have cost about the same as a laptop!) that was umm an interesting device…
When the S2 hits the US, it’s all over for iPhone
I really don’t understand where this stuff is coming from. Few weeks ago, there was a post across many news sites, talking about how in UK, Galaxy S3, in less than a month from launch day, sold more phones than iphone’s best 3 months of sales combined. And how the suppliers running out of stock. Two weeks later, follow by market stats, saying Samsung outsold iphone by 8 millon units in last (2011) and fist quater of the 2012. This stuff is available all over the web. What arse are you pulling your info from, I have no idea, but please, at least try to retain some sort of fact decency, because this blatant bullshit is just too painful and too embarrassing to read.
Best example to call you on your bullshit:
I could have not said that better myself, good job and right on the money.
I think it will be the iPhone 6….
iPhone 3G
iPhone 3Gs
iPhone 4
iPhone 4s
“iPhone 6” (correlated with iOS 6)
The quad core phones are out already! However the A9s aren’t as fast as a dual core A15…
well truth is, iphone 4 came out with a good physical attribute and it was a success, but their platform clearly sucks… im nt saying apple is not innovating, yeah for sure their start was good, but thats the end of it… they had a good start, the rest is just a copy of android…
front facing camera came out long ago in korea with the galaxy s, and 6 months later, apple RUSHES out their phone and marketed it as FACETIME, while this is a old skool technology
now iCloud?
New ios slide down notification?
it wnt be long where they shall also have a homescreen and live wallpaper… as compared to their “homescreen” hidden behind apps
i like iphone great start, but someone else is steppin up.
1 more thing, get out of ur iphone mentality and use an android for some time, i did that, and i clearly trashed my iphone and never going back unless i see something more customisable…
Why would u need to even customize? The thing is, iDevices are so good, you don’t even NEED to customized them! Waaah I wNt my wallpeppr lol The fact is, if your using Androids, uv prolly never really understood the iPhone.
Obviously you have never used android anything. Lol
What are you talking about, My 3G cant do video!!! He’s always lacking features. Thats why I dropped his ass and went to android. forgot the main part? the main part is the fact that he dont have cutting edge features. wheres the bias? are you an iFag?
Name calling. Childish.
I doubt you have a brain….my guess is, its some sort of sphincter anus like gland, that crap just dribbles out of, no joke, DroiDoucher.
you are a militant android fact rapist, a fact is something that is true & shouldnt be as easily discounted as everything you have said here.
“Marketing only goes so far and if you think marketing is why the iPhone
is outselling the Galaxy, you are in need of a reality check.”
WTF are you smoking? Marketing usually does all the heavy lifting. It’s because of Apple’s brand image, which it achieves through -wait for it- MARKETING, that it sells more than any other phone. I’m not saying marketing is the only thing since Apple products do have some strong points like ease of use, but to think that it’s some minor player is pathetically naive.
Marketing is probably the most important thing. Without Apple’s brand image, no matter how polished their iWhatevers are, they would not be the market leading company it is today. There are a lot of great products that fizzle due to poor marketing strategy, and poor products that sell in droves due to marketing buzz.
How is the iPhone ‘old technology’? Either way, the end experience is much more polished. Marketing only goes so far and if you think marketing is why the iPhone is outselling the Galaxy, you are in need of a reality check.
“innovative my @ss they just added Hotspot for the iPhone 4”
Yeah, you forgot the main part: the iPhone 4.
You need to stop being so biased. Everyone can see right through your fanboyism and you aren’t contributing to the conversation. You can dislike the way a product works, but to say it had no contribution to the market because you hear the world “Apple” is too much.
If Apple isn’t innovative, why did Android abandon it’s plans for a Blackberry type phone and go back to the drawing board to produce an iPhone-alike?
the truth is, the Android is a bit of a different animal and there are still Blackberry-esq Android phones being made.
Android doesn’t make phone, it runs on them. Google, who created Android have commissioned several phones, but the majority of Android phones are designed and made by traditional phone companies like HTC, Samsung etc.
each of these can customize Android to fit the device.
the truth is, the Android is a bit of a different animal and there are still Blackberry-esq Android phones being made.
Android doesn’t make phone, it runs on them. Google, who created Android have commissioned several phones, but the majority of Android phones are designed and made by traditional phone companies like HTC, Samsung etc.
each of these can customize Android to fit the device.
Apple stole the iPod from Kane Kramer, stole the MacOS “dock” from RISC OS, Was sued by Burst.com and settled for the technology used in the iPod and iTunes, Stole the iPhone from LG Prada (the first capacitive touch screen phone), and NeoNode (the first optical touch screen phone), Stole parts of iOS (like swipe to unlock etc) from NeoNode, Sued by Nokia and settledfor patents related to GSM and UMTS standards as well as 802.11 WiFi technologies, Sued by Cisco and settled for using the “iPhone” name, Stole the Finder icon from a Picasso painting, Stole the App Store from Sony and Jailbreak/Cydia, and (with Bill) Stole the mouse/cursor interface from Xerox. innovative??
And not to mention without their stealing the GUI from Xerox Apple may not even exist
I wish Bill Gates wouldnt have saved Apples sorry ass in 1997 and let them crumble.
Unfortunatly he had to, the DOJ was all over *HIS* sorry ass. Freaking government. But its ok. Im pretty sure the DOJ is all over google and apple at the moment.
If apple crumbled in 1997, then there wouldn’t be Andriod today.
If telephones were not invented there wont be any phone not even iPhone today
Not this bullshit again. They didn’t steal it. You’re either ignorant, in which case I suggest you read up on some GUI history, or you are lying.
They didn’t steal it in terms of robbing Xerox materially. Apple did pay Xerox for the innovation Xerox made. What RL means by steal is that Apple didn’t come up with the idea of the GUI. But whether Apple paid them doesn’t matter, it’s that Apple copied someone else’s idea and a lot of people think that just because Apple paid Xerox that Apple innovated it or didn’t steal it.
Also, Xerox sued them because Apple apparently borrowed more then they had agreed to. They settled later (I guess Apple had to pay another large sum).
And…He copied Android features that include Notifications, Wireless syncing, Tabbed browsing, New split keyboard, Open apps from the lock screen, and Over the air updates. And he has the balls to sue others?
Apple also stole from JEFF HAN’s touch screen technology, and InCase’s smart cover design.
Android is an OS. what an iFag dumbass
You ruined your reply/comment with derogatory words. You just bolstered the previous comment. Yes android is an OS. iOS is an OS, what’s your point?
Except not really. Android has been made very versatile from the very beginning.
Who is going to care who’s first anymore with the new changes in the U.S. patent laws rewarding first to file not first to invent.
Well, first to file is 4F, i.e., First to File Fosters Fraud. Anyway, Apple with its 200 patent apps. will recapture what was old and claim it is new and win. Just my opinion people.
or was both copies from myorigos mydevice from 2003?
LG Prada from 2006
Patent lawsuits become a marketing move to call somebody a copypaster and itself as an innovator.
NOKIA which can’t win the 40-patents lawsuit against Apple, without which Apple couldn’t create ANY phone or tablet means that tech patents are finally nothing but a kind of media pressure on competitors.
Apple’s suit against Samsung is about the trade dress of Samsung’s products aping Apple’s, alleging that Samsung have based a whole range of aspects of their design on Apple products. It’s not just about a grid of icons, or a black rectangular case, or a touchscreen with one prominent button: it’s about the whole package, including the Galaxy Tab and the Galaxy Player. Have you seen Samsung’s accessories for the Tab? A keyboard dock, just like iPad; a non-keyboard dock, just like iPad; a case with a folding cover, just like iPad; even white headphones, just like iPad. They could at least have made the headphones black! Compare the picture of the Tab case on this site with the case for the original iPad:
And before anyone says it’s obvious, it’s only obvious after someone does it first.
Dock with keyboard? Been done. Not inventive.
Dock without keyboard? Not an innovation. Just a dock.
Case with folding cover? Zzzzzzz.
White headphones? Are you kidding?
This has to be the least compelling defense of Apple’s actions I’ve seen.
Wow…..what a dick…thats you buddy
seriously clueless, thats why (lucky for the world) you have no power in this world & make no decisions that have any affect
there are reasons these things are in court of law, not your court of backyards where you try to suck your own cock & fail no less, cant win in giving yourself a bj or having a case here :p
If u think about it the iPhone is a phone version of the iPod touch which apple came out way before samsungs gay shit
The first generation iPhone was launched on June 29, 2007
The first generation iPod Touch was launched on September 5, 2007,
Just like a dumbass iFag, what a fucking iFag loser.
And the Samsung GS2 is out selling iPhone all over the world, so I guess their shits not gay anymore. And Apple is copying Android, hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahah
Matthewsjfowler? are you the fag that got caught in the bathroom getting hammered by some dude at Mason high?
Way to fail there chum..P :p
the end
people probably should do some research on how patents trademarks & inventions go.
The multi-touch interface that we all love wasnt out on devices before the iPhone, watch the 2007 keynote that steve did, saying how they invented the mutitouch tech & under interface that allows you to work without a stylus.
im starting to lose faith in humanity, so many stupid people around, natural selections is moving so slow, i use both devices (iOS & Android) this is becoming a new religion, here are some facts, android has a bigger market share then apple on mobile phones, apple is making alot more money, apple lets face it, invents the tech of the world that PC of the past & android of now, steals & everyone is cool with this, apple now has the money & the balls to back themselves up now some chump gumby retards have a problem with this.
who knows why, i think people need to try using iOS (or android) & see why these things are becoming religions?.
another fact, if there is a higher market share of android, what makes anyone think people buy apple to follow a trend or be robots :S logic would say that people by android for the same reason, its the I dont like apple so you get the next best thing to stick it t the man….its a fail.
I win by using both iOS & android
Apple didn’t invent multitouch, you would have to be very stupid to think that
And the technology behind the iPhone was purchased by Apple
The truth is, all Apple stuff is closed source and under extreme control of Apple, even some applications are being removed from AppStore so that month later Apple can pull their own version of it as an Upgrade. Android on the other hand is so much about freedom and flexibility. It’s true that Apple devices tend to be more stable and fluid when initially released, because there’s only one hardware and one OS, while for Android, the hardware is different in every case, which only proves how much advanced Android is over iOS.
My Wife had an iPhone for last three years, and what we observed, was degradation of the fluidity and stability of old models in time, basically after every iOS update, which may be linked to the fact that Apple wants people to upgrade to new one ASAP – just a speculation. Android on the other hand is only getting more and more stable no matter what hardware.
Really, is that why you won’t have ICS on less than a year old Android phone?
Depends on the Android phone. A Galaxy Y obviously won’t get it. Hardware too weak. The SGS2 ICS update is already released.
Still, within that time frame it is obvious that Samsung couldn’t have copied the iPhone with the F700. I’d be absolutely amazed if they could get a phone developed based on an iPhone design in only 1-2 months. They were probably developed concurrently, and Apple is the more likely copycat since they’re so extremely secretive that it’d be hard to believe that Samsung could get access to see iPhone prototypes/designs, etc. Samsung is less notorious in that way. Or they’re just similar because it’s a design that works well. Whatever floats your boat.
The flaw in the logic is that you can copy things as fast as you want. Writing a book or essay takes a single mind and overall goal, and TIME. Copying a book or essay (if lets say by hand writing or typing it out, rather then a photocopy to stick the the metaphor), you can do it in one night, or shared with some other shady people in a few hours. If you look at the direct copies made in China of the iPhone, they happened very fast. The first gen got 90% of the outside look, and the superficial look of the iOS, and by a few months later they were getting everything copied. (Google it, or try looking at the SoPhone). I actually use an Android phone, why, cause it’s on a smaller network that is way cheap and overall was cheaper, it works just like a iPhone. GREAT for me. BUT, if I step back for just one second, whoa, it really is a full on copy of the IPhone. What did we have before the iPhone, Blackberries, flip phones, Moto Razers, Palm Treo’s? The iPhone proved that it could be done, and then Samsung said, OH that’s how you do it, give me a sec. If you let them have this, they will just copy everything and anything. Maybe that keeps Apple moving forward? Maybe not…
Black boxing software is not even remotely the same as copying a book or manuscript. I assume you are NOT an engineer or programmer.
It is true. we probably woult still have feature phones, until someone else would begin to do that. Though I agree, Samsung did copy at the beginning.
But, dont forget, Apple made a lot of Money for being the first, so I think its ok now. Samsung should pay for the S1 and be left with that.
So are you implying that Samsung copied the design in one month? That’s complete utter bullshit. And the design is really generic. Saying the design is copied is like saying all wheels are created as copies of the original wheel. Apple is more a marketing hustler than a technology leader. That’s a shame for Apple.
I like that term, “marketing hustler than a technology leader”. well put +1
Has samsh!t changed the game? No. They are thieves, like all korean monkeys.
that’s really rude..
Yes, it is. But it’s not as rude, crude and uncivilised as a korean monkey.
Ha! Based on your comments, your insults apply to you as well
Not quite. I’m not a korean monkey, you korean monkey.
Why the hell are you acting like a complete fag? Makes me feel ashamed to know that you speak the same language as me…
Just telling the truth, son.
You ever been to Korea? It’s more like monkey life here in New York than there. Our cities are being outdated compared to other OECD countries, but I guess when your life evolves around you and your room, you’ll never know. Now continue to maturbate in your corner and suck on your own urine. Don’t look around.
And what are you Mr. mygreatgrandfatherwasasheepfuckerwhowaskickedawayfromwhereeverthefuckhewasfrom ? Because of douchebags like you(yes I’m speaking to you, you self loathing son of a bitch) our country reels in shame. So get back to your daily wage job at McDonalds and stop sticking your d*ck where it does not belong, cuz some day it might get cut off. Oh and FYI (which means “For your information”) every single f*cking phone available in the USA is made by what you would put as “Chinese Monkeys”
Hahaha… Another hysterical small-minded little korean monkey. How do you know about my life, you korean monkey? How do you know I haven’t been to your sh!tty little village, you korean monkey?
Don´t give a shit ho stole what. I will always use apples stuff because they rule!
Typical Apples user
Why would u need to even customize? The thing is, iDevices are so good, you don’t even NEED to customized them. The fact is, if your using Android, uv prolly never really understood the iPhone. Seriously, I’ve read all the posts on here and about 92% reek of Android Fanboys. Before u talk about iPhone, learn to use one, assholio.
Typed on my iPad
That’s naturally bettr without any android shit
Sorry, but not everyone wants to look at the same boring grid of icons that hasn’t changed since 2007. It’s not about NEEDING to customize, but about having the choice to do so if one wishes, and not having one company tell them how their phone needs to look and how they should use it. And likewise if someone is using an iphone it’s probably because Android wasn’t dumbed down enough for them to understand it.
Who gives a shizt about F700? Reality is Samsung had the first gesture based touchscreen multimedia smartphone with a single ROUND home button introduced a year before iPhone was launched. It was on sale in Europe in April 2006 and went through FCC in August for sale in US. This phone did everything and more than original iphone. It was also far more expensive than any phone on the market. With both Front and Back facing cameras it was 4 years ahead of iphone 4. Although Samsung was tagged as being influenced by Neonode for gesture based touchscreen, CrApple never went through the same shit even though they copied slide to unlock feature directly from Neonode and Samsung copied nothing!
The phone is the SGH-Z610 and it’s the Lion that never roared because iDiots like you (Cory) failed to inform us that it was even out for sale a year before iphone. Not only did CrApple steal the single physical “Home” button, Touchscreen and Gestures from both Samsung and Neonode, but SGH-Z610 had 2 cameras, 3.5″ screen, rounded corners, multimedia player (hence the play icon on round button vs Apple w/ universal square “Stop” icon on round button), and other features not seen in any CrApple phone for 4 years!
Who copied who? Which came first the Chicken or the Egg? ahhh…. right…. CrApple would even sue Moses for coming out with the Tablet before they did. I have thus no sympathy for either confirmed thieves (CrApple) or their fans crying about being stolen from. Because it’s always the biggest thieves who cry loudest!
Who gives a shizt about F700? Reality is Samsung had the first gesture based touchscreen multimedia smartphone with a single ROUND home button introduced a year before iPhone was launched. It was on sale in Europe in April 2006 and went through FCC in August for sale in US. This phone did everything and more than original iphone. It was also far more expensive than any phone on the market. With both Front and Back facing cameras it was 4 years ahead of iphone 4. Although Samsung was tagged as being influenced by Neonode for gesture based touchscreen, CrApple never went through the same shit even though they copied slide to unlock feature directly from Neonode and Samsung copied nothing!
The phone is the SGH-Z610 and it’s the Lion that never roared because iDiots like you (Cory) failed to inform us that it was even out for sale a year before iphone. Not only did CrApple steal the single physical “Home” button, Touchscreen and Gestures from both Samsung and Neonode, but SGH-Z610 had 2 cameras, 3.5″ screen, rounded corners, multimedia player (hence the play icon on round button vs Apple w/ universal square “Stop” icon on round button), and other features not seen in any CrApple phone for 4 years!
Who copied who? Which came first the Chicken or the Egg? ahhh…. right…. CrApple would even sue Moses for coming out with the Tablet before they did. I have thus no sympathy for either confirmed thieves (CrApple) or their fans crying about being stolen from. Because it’s always the biggest thieves who cry loudest!
What’s Cr Apple?
direct from Urban Dictionary.com:
1. crApple – A contraction of the company “Apple” Inc. and the products that it clobbers together from preexisting off-the-shelf products made by other companies, otherwise known as “Crap”.
2. Crapple – A nickname given to Apple, who makes the iMac (iCrap), iPod (CrapPod), AppleTV (CrappleTV), iPhone (CrapPhone), and iPad (CrapPad). Crapple is notorious for their capability to woo people with a shiny case and a nifty gimmick, but no other endearing qualities, often with a hefty price tag. Their computers are known for being very shiny (literally and figuratively), but having a major lack of software support, and being bragged about because of features any other computer in the world does just as well, if not better.Also refers to the iCrap in some cases.
Gee, you’d never think they’d be the biggest company on the planet, with $100 billion in cash. You must know something they don’t.
In the world where productivity counts you don’t see Apple because they’re over-priced, underpowered pieces of junk. In the world where shiny ‘status shit’ like being able to look down your nose and the ‘not-cool-kids’ matter, Apple rules.
Because my wife is a scientist, she’s stuck with a ton of NIH legacy software that’s Mac only. We just bought her a new iMac for $1900. The video card is a laughable ATI 6770M and is one-third as powerful as my two-year-old ATI 5850.
And so it goes down the whole hardware list.
She wants to build a Hackintosh next time she has to upgrade. She’ll get twice the computer for the same price.
You sound like a dipshit Korean.
You sound like a fag. End of discussion.
You sound like a butthurt CrApple fan who can not face the facts
Hey, I searched the model number(I’m very interested in finding phones that prove Apple is full of it), and came up with an engadget article from 8/2006 talking about this phone having having “appleness.” I’m very confused- wasn’t the iPhone unveiled in January 2007? How was engadget already saying it was like the iphone 4 months earlier?
My guess is they are referring to the iPad.
They were talking about the iPod and iMacs, eMacs from that same time, they were glossy white too.
Hey man what your saying seems right, except samsung never marketed this as a mobile device. They marketed it as a media device. There’s a reason why this never came up in court as this would have given samsung a huge lead. Unfortunately Apple is suing over SMARTPHONES and not media devices. This is not a smart phone, it is merely a media device.
“The phone will be marketed as a media device rather than a mobile phone considering that Samsung has given this phone a more of PMP-ish look.”
Hey man what your saying seems right, except samsung never marketed this as a mobile device. They marketed it as a media device. There’s a reason why this never came up in court as this would have given samsung a huge lead. Unfortunately Apple is suing over SMARTPHONES and not media devices. This is not a smart phone, it is merely a media device.
“The phone will be marketed as a media device rather than a mobile phone considering that Samsung has given this phone a more of PMP-ish look.”
Even Samsung admits the design challenges after the iPhone was introduced and acknowledges that iPhone’s design is easy to copy. They even said that the iPhone is their design inspiration.. Samsung acknowledges it even in their defense why won’t you..
Even Samsung admits the design challenges after the iPhone was introduced and acknowledges that iPhone’s design is easy to copy. They even said that the iPhone is their design inspiration.. Samsung acknowledges it even in their defense why won’t you..
What about the Prada Phone? I read a little about that whole thing.
2006 photo of F700? http://www.flickr.com/photos/ccsinsight/384482099/
I’ll leave this here:
apple never sued anyone about the ipod. please gtfo.
Everybody ripped off Smalltalk/WIMP… one of the last really great revolutionary leaps in computing… most everything else has been evolutionary.
everyone wants a peice of apples pie
Warm apple pie
That phone looks HOR-RI-BLE
> While I agree with some of what you say, there’s just no way you could visually mix up the Z610 and the first iPhone.
I think you are missing the point. The point is Apple did not invent many of the patents that Apple is suing everybody over. There with phones with touchscreens, rectangular shapes, and rounded corners before the iphone. Apple has already had several of their BS patents invalidated, and no doubt there are more to more. The purpose of Apple’s patents is not to protect Apple’s IP, but to keep competing products off the market. The LG Prada was also around before the iPhone.
so many had the same ideas of a flat phone with rounded corners and icons …
To be fair, Apple is a great assembler of pre-existing, but often isolated innovations. Slide-to-unlock, gestures, capacitive touch displays (multi-touch), apps launched from a launcher (iphone springboard), center-placed home button, etc. are all examples individual innovations that Apple did not invent, but assembled really well under one housing. They are great at assembling best usability practices and improving upon existing markets by doings so.
To be an assembler of best practices and innovations and turn around and sue anyone else who does the same is shameful. I was not aware that some people claimed the F700 was introduced in 2006. I had always heard its intro was in 2-2007. In this presentation with the reviewer, the device was buggy, but so would have been sellable handsets of iPhone after the announcement in 2007. The one Jobs was using was a prototype with carefully presented features being shown off. Samsung is terrible at presentation and Apple is not.
There is no way that Samsung could just throw a phone together in less than one month, hardware, software, and all. Multi-touch was the inevitable evolution from resistive touch (stylus single-point), and Apple came in with a great trend-setting showing, but they did not invent any it. My Palm TX had everything that the iPhone had, accept capacitive touch, better battery technology, better flash memory, and phone modem. My TX had a virtual QWERTY keyboard that slid up from the bottom, video player, music player, decent web browser, same display ratio (16:10), center placed home button, icons laid out in a grid (alternate display in a list), and many features the original iPhone did not have (installable apps, copy/paste, Documents to Go app, etc).
They didn’t invent anything. They just assembled an impressive set of features better than others at the time. If Palm, Nokia, or any of the many others that were first with the same features had acted like Apple, there would have been no iPhone.
Cry me a river!
Innovation refers to the use of a better and, as a result, novel idea or method. Apple is an innovator. Many tried to develop a pda phone but failed. Credit apple for having the formula that now is becoming the standard of smartphones. You have said it yourself, Palm, Nokia and others have been in this industries for years and couldn’t come up with a design solution for a smart phone. Thank apple for the iPhone that revolutionized the world of smart phones.
Innovation refers to the use of a better and, as a result, novel idea or method. Apple is an innovator. Many tried to develop a pda phone but failed. Credit apple for having the formula that now is becoming the standard of smartphones. You have said it yourself, Palm, Nokia and others have been in this industries for years and couldn’t come up with a design solution for a smart phone. Thank apple for the iPhone that revolutionized the world of smart phones.
Apple didn’t, in fact, create a groundbreaking and innovative design concept with the iPad or the IPhone for that matter, but rather took something pretty simple, made it smaller, straightforward, refined it and gave it polish. The first touchscreen called the DiamondTouch made in 2001 by a company called Circle Twelve. Another evidence of a tablet existing way before Crapple even thought about the idea of conceptualizing an IPad was called the Tablet newspaper. Wasn’t a touchscreen though but worked with a stylus pen but it sure did have those rounded corners that Apple so called invented. God I hate Crapple.
Tablet newspaper:
DiamondTouch, just imagine it as a gargantuan IPad made in the early 00’s. Pinch to zoom Crapple. I think not.:
Copying from one source is plagiarism,copying from many sources is creativity.
Greg Miller? IGN? What the bloodclot? Are you taking it up the arse from samsh!t to type this sh!t? Are you prostituting yourself to them?
I don’t like either brand, but if I had to make a choice I’d go for apple over samsh!t (or any other korean monkey brand). Japanese tech is best.
“If Palm, Nokia, or any of the many others that were first…”
But they weren’t, they weren’t smart enough…that’s the issue.
At the end of the day it’s blatantly obvious the iPhone + Clones are a representation of a single computer company trying to shrink a computer to pocket size dimensions and integrate telephone capabilities. All of the cleverly designed UI elements and coded gesture solutions make sense in the Computer UI world when one was attempting to port full size computer capability to your pocket. This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever in the pre-iPhone mobile phone world where the focus was always to give your phone a few convenient organizing features. This is why there was no smartphone revolution/evolution until Apple started one and Google got jealous.
Not too bright are you – it doesn’t matter when they first showed the F700 in public – it matters when they designed it internally, and when they registered the design. This was BEFORE the iPhone was released and that is an indisputable matter of public record (check the Korean patent office).
Nicely put. FYI, they asked the FCC because they did not have the budget to license the patents required in many of the technologies they used. Also, if you look at current designs and features of iPhone you will see many of it are existing technologies/innovations that have been licensed. Not everyone needs to announce Apple licensed their patents. If you know about Nokia and Motorola, you would know their patents are used in Satellites and other high tech government agencies and companies such as Lockheed Martin. Once everything has been built, it’s hard to be completely original.
Samsung makes “CopyCat” products. It’s one of those obvious things that you either accept or don’t accept, because you decided Apple shouldn’t be allowed to make the number of industry innovations it makes and having lived in a Microsoft world for the last 25 years change scares you. It only takes two years to develop a phone if YOU’RE actually developing the phone. Apple’s engineering staff had to show Samsung’s fab engineering staff the iPhone throughout the development process as well as other components manufacturers in order to trouble shoot components. It’s obvious the companies helped themselves in reverse engineering the phone. They decided it was in their strategic best interest to work in what features they could as fast as they could to existing products even shabbily so they could make this type of absurd argument when the inevitable legal IP infringement problems came up. All of the companies that had early access in seeing the iPhone and working on it were the first companies are making iPhone knockoffs where it’s taken other companies a couple of years, with the help of Google’s iOS clone, to catch up.
Samsung is going to get slammed here and catch a blow harder than the people’s elbow.
And if you obscure all the defining features of each tablet, then yeah, of course.
Gtab10.1 has no front button with a white dot in the middle. If you can’t see that from 10 feet away, you’re blind.
One has a widescreen aspect ratio, the other doesn’t. One has a big “Samsung” logo on the back.
you cannot patent the rectangle, or the color black (cr)Apple!
Wow! I hear/read so many comments everywhere about how fanatic Apple fanboys are, but you Android fanboys are even more rabid. I didn’t think that was possible. To each their own.
Forget about the F700 it was just released to mislead the public.. it is a different design, it is a slide and not a full touchscreen with a single button.. take away the keypad and samsung would definitely designed it differently. Samsung has no means to develop a full touchscreen device that would compete with the iPhone before the iPhone was announced, because samsung doesn’t have the OS to support such a device not until google released android which is a complete ripoff of apple’s iOS.
Forget about the F700 it was just released to mislead the public.. it is a different design, it is a slide and not a full touchscreen with a single button.. take away the keypad and samsung would definitely designed it differently. Samsung has no means to develop a full touchscreen device that would compete with the iPhone before the iPhone was announced, because samsung doesn’t have the OS to support such a device not until google released android which is a complete ripoff of apple’s iOS.
Apple copied android notification bar. Mislead the public my ass stupid iDiot!
The Samsung phone in the video is clearly not a copy of the iPhone hardware design or UI design.
Samsung is building their case on “we had rectangular phones with large screens before the iPhone”… but that is obviously not what this trial is about because no one can patent a rectangle or a large screen area. This trial is about Samsung infringing Apple’s patents.
What is especially ironic (and somewhat humorous) is that Samsungs “evidence” that was excluded by the judge, and which they released anyway, actually supports Apple’s case.
Samsung wanted to enter a graphic, entitled “Samsung Phone Designs” (you can see it for yourself by Googling it) that shows their phones before the iPhone… NONE of which infringe the iPhone’s hardware and UI designs.
The same Samsung graphic shows their phones after the iPhone, but (conveniently
none of the ones they show are the ones that infringe Apple’s patents either.
Apple’s graphic DOES show the Samsung phone models that came out after the iPhone, that DO clearly infringe Apple’s patented intellectual property.
Samsung is only digging themselves deeper into a pit of defeat.
You come off at first as not being an Apple iZealot, but you come out smelling like an iTurded CrAppleholic on iMethadone!
the “Samsung Phone Designs” was evidence Apple trumped up and did not include at least 3 touchscreen smartphone designs out prior to iPhone. Nor did it show all the prototypes certified as in development that the magistrate rejected as not being timely submitted. Those will most certainly be in the Appeal!
The first and most obvious multimedia smartphone (w/ single round home button on front in a time when all Apple had out was iPod Shuttle) was the SGH-Z610 w/ 2 cameras, steel banded bezel 3.5″ screen and 3G well before iPhone 4 came out. It was released in January 2006 and approved for sale in America in August 2006. The F700 was the first modern touchscreen to receive a Design Patent in 2006. A year before iPhone got one applied for in late 2007! …..seems Apple is actually infringing on Samsung’s Design patent! lol…..
When I read your posts I got feeling that your mummy did not buy iPhone for you and it transformed you to sad person hating everyone and everything linked to Apple.
lol….. right, the typical deluded comment coming from a typically brain dead religiously loyal Apple fan, like those that have used you’re kind of comments for 30yrs in defense of Apple! haha….
Point out truth….. and they can’t stand it. They all immediately come to the defense of their beloved CrApple as fast as flies to Sh*t!
The Samsung phone in the video is clearly not a copy of the iPhone hardware design or UI design.
Samsung is building their case on “we had rectangular phones with large screens before the iPhone”… but that is obviously not what this trial is about because no one can patent a rectangle or a large screen area. This trial is about Samsung infringing Apple’s patents.
What is especially ironic (and somewhat humorous) is that Samsungs “evidence” that was excluded by the judge, and which they released anyway, actually supports Apple’s case.
Samsung wanted to enter a graphic, entitled “Samsung Phone Designs” (you can see it for yourself by Googling it) that shows their phones before the iPhone… NONE of which infringe the iPhone’s hardware and UI designs.
The same Samsung graphic shows their phones after the iPhone, but (conveniently
none of the ones they show are the ones that infringe Apple’s patents either.
Apple’s graphic DOES show the Samsung phone models that came out after the iPhone, that DO clearly infringe Apple’s patented intellectual property.
Samsung is only digging themselves deeper into a pit of defeat.
I love all these techie android fans moaning about apple and how much better android is.
Regarding the trial who cares? In the end it’s only good for the lawyers that are making millions. It is true that samsung and many other companies adjusted to the iphone design, same way that internet explorer adjusted to mozilla and safari adjusted to chrome, etc, etc, etc. It is really hard to patent a design and that shouldn’t be used to stop samsung or others to catch up with apple.
Now regarding all the apple haters out there, iphone is not about having more features/specs than android, it never was! The first iphone was released without 3G in a 3G world and it still succeeded. Apple’s success is due to several things like:
1. Design (yep, it looks better and more expensive than any android stuff with the exception of a couple of recent samsung models, although that apple logo is still much cooler than samsung’s)
2. Simplicity (nobody want’s 1 million features in their phone unless you are a techie. People want intuitive to use phones were you don’t have to think to get things done. Simplicity means my 86 year old grandmother who never used a computer is able to grab an ipad and facetime me – real story!)
3. Eco-system integration/stickiness (ohh yes dear android users, this is something that you can only dream you have but in reality you don’t! The beauty of having a Mac + Iphone + Ipad + Apple TV + Time Capsule + Itunes + Icloud working together in perfect harmony. It is so easy, so hassle free, so good that you will never want to back)
4. Retail and Customer support (anyone whose isomething broke down, who ever had to call an apple call center, walk into a store or request any type of support knows that they are miles ahead from anyone else. Try writing an email to google complaining about bugs on your android phone and see what answer you’ll get. Even better, try finding a samsung store to get support and see how far you need to travel)
These are the main reasons of apple’s success and why so many people buy their stuff.
Regarding market shares, apple never tried to be number 1, they always want to grab the high value customers, period! Look at their share of revenues and then you’ll understand what this strategy means.
As for developers leaving apple I think that is completely false. Apple apps generate more money to developers than any other platform and they are much easier to develop since there is no device fragmentation. If developers are rational (which they normally are) they will develop first for apple and then for the remaining (if needed).
Well In other words you apple device is something which someone who isn’t smart enough to handle a complex device or explore multiple systems would want to buy , just coz Apple have fancy stores ? oh yeah , that makes them feel so “cool” (read rich)
1: It really is not as much about being smart enough to handle complex devices but more about not having to do it. The overall trend in technology is making it more pervasive and intuitive to use. Apple has been leading the way in terms of consumer electronics (despite who copied who) and managing to integrate everything quite seamlessly.
2. Regarding the customer experience this is a very important part of the entire Apple experience. Store design is just part of it, the fact that you can go in, experience everything, surf the web, have helpful sales people to assist you with any queries makes you want to go back and probably spend more. When something breaks it is also much easier to deal with apple than with AT&T or any other phone maker or computer maker in the market.
3. The coolness of Apple has more to do with their branding and design (including stores). Yes it is a big factor and yes a lot of people are willing to pay more. I can give you a quick car analogy. Volkswagen owns Audi, Seat, Volkswagen and a bunch of other brands. The Audi A4 is done in the same factory as the volkswagen passat, built by the same people, using the same components and with very very similar engines. Performance and security in both cars are identical, however the Audi commands a huge premium over the Passat because it is perceived as a premium brand with better finishing, comfort levels and infotainment systems.
Many people are willing to pay more for good designs, better user experience and customer care. If you don’t want to pay those premiums you can stick with paying less for similar android smartphones. Just don’t think you are getting something better for less money.
Who gives a shit about which logo is cooler.
Apple didn’t ‘aggregate’ or ‘assemble’ the iPhone from off-the-shelf parts in a year. They spent 10 years working on a replacement for the Newton (killed by Jobs) and trying to develop a compelling tablet. Battery life and CPU couldn’t make an iPad viable in 2006…but it could do 10 or so things that the original iPhone did and do those very well. Plus Apple had been innovating around WebKit, purchased (which is a legitimate way to obtain patent protection) Fingerworks and a bunch of other companies.
I am sure that Steve went into the Mac Cafe to get the 9 people required to reset his Palm Treo (if you have never tried this, you should – just to see the state of smartphones pre-iPhone) and decided that what they had cooked up was not only ‘good enough’ but revolutionary.
PS. I think that I owned every top-of-the-line smartphone. Nokie N95, for example. Great individual pieces of technology but such a hunk of expensive junk as a package. I am on page 636 of a manual that explains how (in 2008) I get my Samsung phone to connect to a 2G network – its Windows Mobile and wants to know how to tunnel from my ‘Home’ to my ‘Work’ networks. Anyone?
You belong in a nut house along with all the rest of Apple’s deluded fans. First off the work they had been doing on iPad was all external design elements ripped off the guy who worked for Knight-Ridder introduced in 1993. Proof of concept model delivered in 1995 by Toshiba.
Apple did not have a Touchscreen OS for mobile’s or desktops and still don’t have integrated touchscreen interface latest OS X. So they didn’t have an OS for iPad in 2004 even. When they hired their very first Touchscreen engineer in November 2004. Touchscreen interface must be developed in conjunction with the framework and OS Kernel. Otherwise you end up with a sort of wantabee touchscreen OS like Microsoft had going in 2001/2002 XP rewrite.
Next is the simple fact that Android had already (w/ Linux Touchscreen Framework no less) had already been in development prior to it being incorporated in August 2003 by Andy Ruben. The OS was being ground up developed for both real keyboard and touchscreen right from the start. Watch the original introductory video in it’s entirety and you’ll see Google demonstrated (1 yr after buying Android) both a touchscreen and keyboard run smartphone. It’s only the fanatical religious iZealots who ignore the fact Android had been ground up developed for touchscreens just the Linux Kernels in full Desktop releases in 2004. They by 2005 Linux already had a full 3D XGL Cube Desktop! …….and Apple still doesn’t have a full real time Full Multitasking 3D desktop yet!!!
(they use a sub file system because archaic old Apple Mac HFS + is still primarily single threaded file system and this is exactly why they still can’t do full real time multitasking or run a real multiple widget desktop!!!)
As for setting up VPN in 2008 on anything, you needed a book to get it done. iPhones were not networking on a VPN prior to 2010. The reason is quite simple actually. Because….. Apple’s Garden Walled Network is already a VPN! lol…. and getting a VPN to run on a foreign VPN was only possible on the Open Web. It’s real cause to the downfall of Garden Walled Networks in Compuserve and AOL HELL….. lol…. they did not work for Enterprise Working Networks tunneled inside a tunnel over the internet to another hyper tunneled network…. especially on Garden Walled mobile device networks like Verizon or AT&T ran. That’s why they all eventually abandoned their Garden Walls!
Now we have latest Sambo network running since it’s first release on Android. Whereas Apple had to borrow (steal) both Webkit (based on KHTML and KDE Konqueror Web Browser) and Samba from the Open Source Community, like they did their FreeBSD OS kernel. It was just in 2011 they stopped using Samba and have had many problems with their own Windows networking interface. In fact since Samba Team Organization just made a major breakthrough in networking, Apple will no doubt be back using Samba Open Source soon. Either that or stealing the technology like they usually do! …….yeah they stole parts of Samba!
Glad i bought galaxy s3, it’s way much better than ancient iphone 4 s, Samsung must have start from somewhere before getting to this. Shame on you Apple.
There’s also the possibility that they both ended up with similar designs through a display of the convergence theory in evolution, or ”
the acquisition of the same biological trait in unrelated lineages”
However, a Korean design patent for this black, rectangular, round-cornered phone was filed by Samsung in December 2006 prior to the release of the image of the iPhone (http://buswk.co/OvcNpK)
Still this shit is stupid the only person who loses out on this shit are the consumers and they’re manipulated into taking sides
only 1 month away from the iPhone. Within 1 month Samsung able to test, recalibration, reproduce, retesting the phone? I don’t think so.
Hmm! This article I am reading says F700 was first shown at “3GSM Congress Trade Show” held in Spain in 2006.
Which side has the phone design first only proof one thing: the design is not unique! (regarding the time needed from design scratch to a manufactured product). Anyone in the business would have the design in mind. It’s a design evolution.
Look at that video.. the f700 doesnt even respond properly. thats nothing like the iphone. It doesnt work, doesnt unlock, has a keyboard, complete shit. Then, surprise, next phone works like an iphone. Even looks like an iphone. You just cant say they didnt copy it, everyone gets it by just looking at those 2 phones. I dont agree with the s2 and s3 though, both are selfmade.
The should just pay and live with it. Without that copy, they probably wouldnt sell as many phones as they do today
no iphone copied samsung
You’re a fool if you believe all the FUD and misinformation Apple (copying M$) pumps out secretly about the competition to sway public opinion. In court (if you and other iDiots had been paying attention) Samsung tried to admit evidence in the form of a Design patent issued November 2006. That’s after leaked photos were out on the web in October and part of the reason Samsung felt they had to design patent F700 early. BTW… Apple did not apply for iPhone design patent until late 2007. The phone Steve showed is expected to be forced out into court in Japan. Because Samsung says it was not a working model either. It was a dummied up remote screen phone. The Magic was all in a back room running on a Mac! …..and they had only recently signed up with Samsung to supply processors, not yet even being Fabricated in January as was the same chip being actually used in the F700 in these videos!!!
F700 also actually went on sale 30days before original iPhone! …….this is all on court documents that the Magistrate refused to allow, because he said they were submitted too late. That’s why this judgement for $1 Billion is flying south on appeal and anyone with brain not inebriated by Apple’s RDF Religious Fanatical FUD…. knows it!
But Samsung was already ahead of Apple a year February 2006, before F700 came out. When they launched the super expensive Dual Camera Gesture control Based 3G Multimedia Touchscreen phone with a single round home button w/ a 3.5″ screen looking more like iPhone 4 with a steel bezel band around the outside, besides being white! Called the Samsung SGH-Z610…. the real first iPhone! ahaha… and Apple didn’t invent it…… Samsung did!
This site remains true to their iDiot ways. They continue to denounce Android and the real pioneers of Smartphones. The copying and thievery were all Apple’s!!!
Wow so delusional… you really think that samsung pioneered the smartphone industry? I have all android devices, several haha im even an android developer who makes 70% of total income from android but… samsung copied iphonezzzz, android is better for me as I like to play with my phone but iphone is better for 70% of people who just want a smooth working phone
Wow… a moron that uses Android? I bet that’s a lie! lol…. Samsung did not just write an operating system and out source the entire production to to China. They were involved in writing the Standards and R&D the chips and hardware that went into that original iPhone. That didn’t even have a GPS or 3G like the Samsung SGH-Z610 had at it’s launch a whole year before. Apple is the biggest “Copyist” in history and it only takes a glance at that SGH-Z610 to realize that.
If…. companies like SAMSUNG hadn’t gotten into Smartphones in the 90’s, you wouldn’t even have iphones today!!! lol…. oh but yeah that’s right you are a “Android” user. haha…. Right? lol…. And buddy I use a tin can and shoe for phone calls! NOT!
70%??? Are you nutz? lol… Samsung alone sold near double the smartphones Apple sold last year. They again in a quarter prior to a major launch (Q1 2013), Sold 70 Million Smartphones to all iphones sales (w/ Freebies) combined of just 34 Million. So how is that even close to 70%, just considering Samsung sales alone?
Plus right now….. Android is on target to break 1 Billion confirmed activations to all Apple’s iOS smartphones and devices put together since launch of 550 Million devices! …..I’m not a math professor, but at least I can surmise that as not even close to your iReality! Programer? bwahaha… yeah and I was the first man to land on Mars too! lol….
And apparently you aren’t aware that almost all those “Copyist” claims from Apple vs Samsung 1 have been preliminarily rejected by the USPTO. Not to mention that it’s now iPhones and iPads that are being BANNED by the ITC for stealing Samsung’s Patented 3G technologies from the 90’s! lol…. better tell your dearly beloved CrApple they need to finally pay up on their debt to Samsung! ;-P
Check my twitter @serialentrep I program android and I am making a very unique system unrelated to phones using rk3066 devices, let me know when u reach the moon, I may be already there. Look at the video in the story above. Apple are the people who set the tone for the entire industry, we would be nowhere like where we are now without apple. I live in Korea and know how Korean people tick. It was only Google who pushed android and made it what it is. Samsung suck at software, all the extra crap they put on their phones really ruins it. Samsung are a great company and they now have their own design language and OS flavor but they followed the well worn path of copying and then coming into their own later down the track. LOL you really think that phones would be where they are today without apple?
Deluded much on both your rk3066 device and COLD HARD REALITY! ….the only thing Apple brought to the smartphone table was a simplified dumbed down version of their desktop OS. The original iPhone lacked almost every feature other Smartphone Makers took for granted. Which included dual front n back cameras for video chat, video mail etc. Why didn’t Apple at least include 3G that was in the Samsung SGH-Z610 over a year before the iPhone and it wasn’t even first! …..topped off with iPhone not even having a REAL GPS…. that it’s competition was including!
Not to mention what you fools all like to claim as Apple’s Top innovation. Which actually belongs to LG. Yes… I’m talking about the LG Prada having the first confirmed capacitive touchscreen announced w/ many Award Wins…. months prior to Apple’s iPhone launch. So again what is this magical and revolutionary feature that set Apple’s iPhone a part from it’s competitors that had actually been in on the mobile device history’s formative years? Was it wifi? NO! ….was it Bluetooth? Not even! How about a multimedia playing phone. Sorry others had already been doing that for years. Maybe it was Google Maps? ;-P …..yeah anything Apple brought to smartphones was already being supplied by 3rd parties who actually own the factories to produce the parts themselves!
Now you can go work on your pile of Rock chips to be in Apple New Improved spinning Hurricane core that’s better than an Intel i7. Which Intel stole the number 7 from Apple….. Right? lol….
Um Apple made a phone that worked, was easy to use, kept working for years, looked great, a phone that everyone wanted and a phone that created and defined an industry. How many LG’s sold? I dunno.. I have a Gnote2 and will get the next version when the price drops a little, there is no way that I am someone that is an AndroidJinxer or something.. It is plain to every head of business of phone co’s, every Android magazine, pretty much everyone in the world, it is plain fact that Apple defined the modern smartphone, all the phones now roughly work in the same way that Steve Jobs showed everyone when he demo’d that first iPhone. LG and Samsung made absolute crap phones back in the day, including that prada crap that no one wanted
So you mean that you’re a clone of Florian Mueller of FOSS Patents. Who also claims to use only Samsung devices while also blowing chunks on why he is really just as deluded of an Apple as YOU ARE! …..every new Samsung device that’s come out, he claims to have bought. While also never having ever claimed to have bought an iPhone!
btw…. are you sure you aren’t Florian Mueller’s cousin or brother? ;-P
And as far as Prada goes….. why in the World….., if it was such crap…. did it receive the tech show design awards, that iPhone never got in the first place back in 2007? Oh yeah…. because that iPhone didn’t have truly innovative capacitive touch screen in 2006 awards, or 3G or GPS or dual cameras at it’s launch and it never won a single design award. Well…. except at Apple’s own WWDC Design Awards! lol…..
fuck apple
What really makes a mockery of this total sham is the hacker failed to change the one most important thing about an FCC device going before them just prior to launch. Not a whole year before it even went on sale. In fact even Apple never admitted this doctored letter into evidence. Because the reality is the date at the top is obviously fudged and the date of June 15, 2007 reflects what Apple was basically telling them would be around the date the iPhone would go on sale. Obviously a device maker isn’t going to submit an application and device to go before the FCC, until all features and designs is all close to final. And that my dear Cory is a fact, your obviously deluded mind can’t seem to grasp!
The design of the iPhone wasn’t even final at Apple’s WWDC conference in January and Steve’s demonstration of it was done with with mock ups and almost magical timing, Steve just hoping it didn’t all fall apart on national TV. It was perhaps the greatest show on earth and the illusions presented by Steve just so happened to work as planned after he painstakingly practiced his presentation for hours and days to weed out the bugs and get it all to work like a comedian doing his best standup comedy routine on national tv or a magician doing his greatest magic trick for the president! …..and that’s why it wasn’t released for sale for another 6 months!!! ;-P …..whereby making actual submission of the iPhone to the FCC no sooner than middle of May, for average time though FCC approval of no more than 15 to 20 days! Certainly not almost a year…. lol….. so I think this is a Photoshop’d and composite’d failure!!!
My God, people are still posting on this article years late. Give it a rest, it doesn’t matter. Let’s just take the man for his word and be done with this:
“Good artists copy, great artists steal.” – Steve Jobs
Please. http://gizmodo.com/5483914/steve-jobs-1996-good-artists-copy-great-artists-steal/all
Please what? You just referenced my quote with video evidence… idu
Haha, good quote. Here’s another relevant one:
“The secret to creativity is hiding your sources.” – Albert Einstein
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Its now 2015 and the iphone still has a 720p screen from yesteryear! its the modern day walkman in our timeline. We know where that went. I have never bought tech gear that sells to the masses, i have a long history in electronics and i do my maths and weigh up the good and the bad. I never bought the iphone as its limitations are endless. Just you tube clips on the truth about apple and android by armando, its absoulutley mind blowing the limitations of this device. The simplicity of android even much older androids next to the latest iphone. Its all there in black and white for the non believers.
How about the LG Prada?
And yet you never went to Apple Store to get it replaced. There is a reason why Apple is always on top with customer service.
Youre a retard and have no idea what you are talking about….grow up
Really? If you were all grown up then you wouldn’t call people with an opinion retarded. Start acting like you’re grown up instead of telling other people to grow up.
A Korean design patent for this black, rectangular, round-cornered phone
was filed by Samsung in December 2006 prior to the release of the image
of the iPhone.
Iphone has Samsung parts but Samsung has no Iphone parts. LOL