Tag: Google Maps
Google Maps Navigation Working on T-Mobile G1
As you all know by now, the Verizon DROID by Motorola has Google Maps Navigation Beta, which gives its users turn-by-turn directions, vocal prompts,...
Motorola MILESTONE will not ship with turn-by-turn directions
As the date closes by, more and more people are getting anxious to get their hands on the Motorola DROID. Some of those people,...
Android 2.0 gets Google Maps Navigation Beta [Video]
While we may have caught up with the main features of Android 2.0 earlier this week, Google have been keeping one surprise. Google Maps...
DIY Virtual Reality Headset with an HTC Magic [Video]
Okay, so this time we bring to you an easy DIY project, all you need is an old - or new, it doesn't matter...
Android Google Maps gets Latitude, voice search and transit directions
Google Maps for Android is now even better than before, thanks to new features and a few fixed issues with Google Latitude. You can...
My Maps Editor by Google puts your custom maps in your pocket
My Maps Editor by Google has just been released into the Android Market and not a moment too soon. With this applications users can...
WeatherBug brings real-time weather alerts to Android
WeatherBug has announced their new weather application for Google’s Android platform. The WeatherBug applications integrates itself with Google maps to give users GPS-enabled Severe...