Opinion of the new Sidekick 4G may still be split – is it a true Sidekick or just an Android pretender borrowing the much-loved brand? – but until T-Mobile pushes the handset out we’ll have to sate our interest with a fresh batch of photos. Hiptop3 grabbed the new photoset, showing the T-Mobile Sidekick 4G from all angles.

Not a huge amount to learn from the new shots, bar that the Sidekick 4G doesn’t look to be the slimmest of handsets. We’re also still not sure about T-Mobile and Samsung’s choice of keyboard layout: emoticon shortcuts but no messaging shortcut seems a little short-sighted.

Still, if you’ve wanted to print out a life-size Sidekick 4G and practice your papercraft, here’s your chance. No word on when exactly the HSPA+ smartphone will arrive.


  1. the original link from Samsung (in my original twwet from 3/15) shows them at MUCH higher resolution than what you have here — ;-D

  2. Hey guys, in case you didn’t hear: This guy “ncmacasl” saw these pictures a few days ago, and has seen them so many times that he literally gets tired when he looks at them. Check out his twitter for more info!!

  3. They need to put the swivel back on the sidekick and to put a flash on the camera with a dedicated camera button like the mytouch and it wouldnt be a bad idea especially considering the fact that the sidekick is a phone thats meant to be held horizonally anyways

  4. Really not a fan of this new design! I totally agree with this phone just being an Android pretending to be the real deal that everyone loves.
    I reckon they should of kept the same style both hardware and software as the LX 2011 but just added to the features such as
    *Front facing camera
    *Video call capability

    Gutted to see the swivel screen and sidekick original menu has gone!!!!!

    BIG thumbs down!!!

  5. Sad… The best things about the sidekick back when it was the best were the top-notch hardware quality from Sharp (not the later Motorola garbage), the swivel screen, and the unique and fast UI. I almost got a sidekick toward the end of its run, but opted for an iPhone due to there being no 3G sidekick at the time. (this was in 2008).

    A Samsung slider running Android? NOTHING about this is a Sidekick. It may be an okay phone, like any of the dime-a-dozen Samsung Android handsets. But it’s definitely In Name Only.

    • The swivel screen was the whole reason I didn’t buy a sidekick in its older incarnations – it always seemed too flimsy to me. Have you seen the UI on here? It’s basically a “next gen” version of the old sidekicks’ UI.

      • no, i admit i haven’t had the chance to use it. Now I’ll have to try it out. I didn’t realize they’d tried to replicate or evolve the sidekick UI.

    • Me. Yes, I’m 15, and a girl. That means I’m their target audience. Guess what, their target likes them. And, yes, I will be getting an android phone of some kind in the next few months. We’ll see if I choose this one or one of my other options. But yes, I’m waiting on this to buy a new phone.

    • I have had a Sidekick 2, a Sidekick 3 and then the Sidekick Slide and have never been disappointed with any of them. I am very excited about the upcoming release of the Sidekick 4G and hope to get it as soon as it comes out. I was shocked when I received the letter stating that the our Sidekicks would no longer work after May 31. I spoke with a TMobile sales rep and she said that our price and plan would stay the same until our tmobile contract runs out. At that point it won’t go up but about $20 because of the data plans’ differences between tmobile and att. I guess we all have to cross our fingers and keep an eye on the internet for the release date.

  6. I’m sure there will be a Messaging Shortcut of some sort. (“button”+M)
    Don’t bash my device like that. I’m going through enough pain with T-Mobile’s situation.
    [Stupid sissy German-owned Deutsche Telekom. Rene Obermann should light himself on fire.]

  7. I had the Sidekick LX 2009..but it broke when I dropped it at a Skating Place..and someone RAN OVER IT WITH THEIR SKATES (unfortunate right?)
    I plan on getting this phone..especially because it is priced $99.99..$100 LESS than the Sidekick LX 2009.
    I like the design of the phone..its not very..lets say..TRADITIONAL..but..its new..clean..FRESH. I am dissapointed though, that, it does do the flippy type thing it did before. It just slides up.
    But I cannot wait to get this phone! 😀

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