We haven’t heard from Nextbit recently but the startup is about to change its direction. Why, the software group is believed to be turning into a smartphone company now. From software to hardware, the group plans to bring in some of the best people in the mobile industryy including the original Android 1.0 team of developers plus one designer from HTC.

The last Nextbit project we remember was the Baton project that can sync all apps and data available on CyanogenMod. This “reboot” could be a game-changer in the industry that’s already been saturated by the more popular companies and hundreds of Chinese brands. It can be hard to make it big in the phone arena especially if giants like Samsung and Apple are reigning supreme. However, if you have the best guys working on a new device, there is a great chance that it’s going to impress the Android market.

We have no idea how the new smartphone will be any different but the words of Scott Croyle, VP of Product, are very optimistic. He just said he’s “really excited to work on a phone that ‘feels” different from anything else out there” and we believe that Nextbit will be able to create something unique and equally impressive.

This company reboot as a smartphone maker can be exciting because the market is in dire need of something new. We’ve come to a point where the smartphones can do almost anything. Sure, more features can still be added but we’ve somehow reached the status quo. It would be nice to see some new technologies or innovations in the market.

No major details have been shared by the team yet but Nextbit says they will be dropping hints on social networks in the coming days.

VIA: SlashGear


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