The Samsung Galxy S8 and S8+ are out so we’re now anticipating how the duo will perform. Pre-sales are better than expected, prompting some analysts to change their predictions. We’ve always known that Samsung has been working harder to make sure the next premium flagship smartphone won’t suffer the same fate as the Note 7. We already know the newest quality assurance tests and improved standard protocols. We’ve also heard of that 8-Point Battery Safety Check that involves enhanced tests like Disassembling Test, Visual Inspection, Durability Test, TVOC Test, and Accelerated Usage Test among others.
Samsung has just published a video that shows how the company does the Galaxy S8-S8+ Battery Safety Check. As promised, the aforementioned tests are included plus the addition of an X-Ray Test, Charge/Discharge Test, and AOCV Test. The South Korean tech giant is positive about this process that there will be no more overheating and battery explosions. Honestly, we’re only just waiting for any of the first Galaxy S8 owners to share their experiences with the phone. We posted our official review already and we’re expecting to read other reports.
Samsung posted a public video on YouTube. Samsung has demonstrated how its employees check the new Galaxy S8 and S8+ by following the company’s 8-Point Battery Safety Check. The batteries need to pass a number of quality assurance tests before they are turned over to Samsung.
First to be employed is the Charge and Dischage Test followed by a Durability Test. Then the batteries pass through the X-Ray Test so some abnormalities can be identified. Batteries are then dissambled for internal inspection. To check if there are any leakage, the ΔOCV and TVOC tests are conducted. Batteries can go back to Charge and Discharge Test to finally see if it can still pass. Another Charge and Discharge Test is done to check the battery again.
The Accelarate Usage Test is performed to see if normal use in a shortened time frame will be okay and safe for the phone.