A device hack can bring the Samsung Galaxy S7 dual SIM capability. And before the Note 7 was launched a couple of months ago, it was rumored to have dual SIM in select key markets while in others only a microSD card slot. Some people may not care about the dual SIM feature but others aren’t satisfied with just one or two. If there’s triple SIM capability, we know people who would want such.

REWA Technology managed to do some hack on the Samsung Galaxy S7 edge. An instructional video was posted on Youtube, demonstrating that Dual SIM and SD Card can work simultaneously on the Samsung device. We’ve listed down the steps on how to do the hack. Follow each step carefully and make sure you don’t miss anything.

Before you start, prepare all the tools you will need:


Here are the step-by-step instructions on how to make the SD card and Dual SIM work at the same time on the Galaxy S7 edge:

• Put in a SIM card and a Micro SD card
• Insert the SIM card tray into the phone and power on. You will see there is a SIM card and an 8GB SD card.
• Power off and remove the SIM card tray
• File down the raised edge of Micro SD card. Make sure you don’t damage the circuit inside the chip.
• Clean the Micro SD card with N-hexane
• Scrap a layer off the Micro SD card until the words on the back side are invisible.
• Blow the SIM card with hot air gun.
• Separate the chip from SIM card with tweezers.
• Clean off the glue on SIM chip with N-hexane.
• File down the raised part on the back of the chip. (Do not damage the circuit inside the chip. SIM card thickness is about 0.37mm. Take note of the right location of SIM chip.
• Put in the SD card and make a sigh on Micro SD card where should SIM chip should be located.
• Smear a layer of 502 blue on marked SD card.
• Adhere SIM chip to Micro SD card (Mind the direction of SIM chip. The thickness of new unibody Micro SD card with SIM chip is about 1.26mm.)
• Install the new unibody Micro SD card and insert it carefully and slowly into the phone.
• Power on the phone and check.

The triple cards installation is a success– two SIM cards and an 8GB SD card. As we would always say, DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK.

SOURCE: REWA Technology


  1. I think you are wrong.
    I think this video uses a Duos version S7 edge and want to show how to enable a SD card and a SIM card at the same place, on the second slot.
    I imagine a single SIM version S7 or S7 edge can’t read a second SIM card, right?

  2. After doing this I had the 2 Sims and a 128gb sd card working but the Bluetooth wont work, it won’t let me turn it on. Any ideas?


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