This doesn’t sound good. I know good things come to those that wait, but these are very crucial times and everyone has been pushing hard to get the latest and greatest out in terms of android phones. According to some new information the Samsung Galaxy S II wont see a launch til at least Q3. This is not good news, but then again they are working with all carriers and will probably launch on Verizon, T-Mobile, AT&T, and Sprint just like the first phone. So that might be part of the delay, that and building enough CPU’s.

According to Mobilesyrup during the Nexus S launch event this morning he had a quick conversation with Samsung VP Paul Brennan about the Galaxy S II we all know and love, I mean look at its quadrant score. Brennan mentioned that the incredibly thin and light device (meaning the SGSII) was still in carrier negotiations, and that it should be released in Canada sometime in early Q3.

There was no talk about pricing but we can expect the usual $199 with new contract here in the states. Oh, and the last bit of news is probably the biggest part for us in the States, and where this news starts to go south. VP Brennan stated that Canada might beat the United States in releasing this device. So that means we possibly wont see the Galaxy S II til Q3 or even later. I sure hope he is wrong, for our sakes, and Samsung.

[via MobileSyrup]


  1. Screw Samsung, it’s not like they plan on supporting the phones once released anyway, just look at their Galaxy S line. They have to deal with the same carriers that Motorola and HTC deal with, and yet those two companies manage to get their updates out in a timely manner. Never Again!

    • I agree. My Fascinate is still stuck on Android 2.1, even as my brother’s Droid X is about to receive Android 2.3. I hate Samsung. Once my upgrade kicks in, I’m switching to either an HTC device or a Motorola. I don’t plan on rooting it, so that’s not an issue, and given how quickly they are getting updates compared to others in the market, there’s no better choice right now. I’ll probably get the Bionic, or the Targa once these come out. F()#! Samsung.

      • IMO none of the updates have been nearly as timely as running stock. Get rid of the carrier BS Or just buy a good phone and put CM7 on it.

        the S2 has better specs than any other phone coming out currently.

        more RAM than the Pyrmaid and up to 64 GBs of storage I will hold out for it.

        I am pissed that Us carriers can hold this up while the UK will have it out May 1 st!


      • That’s your fault. Fascinate has Android 2.2

        Original international version of Galaxy S i9000 will be getting Gingerbread support (2.3) at the end of this month.

      • yes was just updated for everyone who has the fascinate but ive had problems with it ever since. slow and freezing even tried reset still doing it and jumping around almost as if it were to much for it to handle.

      • Yep, I just sent mine into Verizon for a $132 gift card so I can get something else. Worked better with 2.1.1 on it. Alarm clock wasn’t functioning right after update and alarm ringtone was muffled. Menu changing was sped up though. Some other people on this post are right though. Waaaaay too long to update to Froyo when Gingerbread is already out. I’ve read somewhere that delay is due to Samsung considering these types of upgrades as software updates and they charge the Carriers out the ying yang for them and they don’t want to pay. So both Carrier and Manufacturer are to blame in this case. I would LOVE to own this phone some day but I don’t want to wait for 8 to 10 months for updates just for them to be buggy.

      • Yep, I just sent mine into Verizon for a $132 gift card so I can get something else. Worked better with 2.1.1 on it. Alarm clock wasn’t functioning right after update and alarm ringtone was muffled. Menu changing was sped up though. Some other people on this post are right though. Waaaaay too long to update to Froyo when Gingerbread is already out. I’ve read somewhere that delay is due to Samsung considering these types of upgrades as software updates and they charge the Carriers out the ying yang for them and they don’t want to pay. So both Carrier and Manufacturer are to blame in this case. I would LOVE to own this phone some day but I don’t want to wait for 8 to 10 months for updates just for them to be buggy.

      • Yep, I just sent mine into Verizon for a $132 gift card so I can get something else. Worked better with 2.1.1 on it. Alarm clock wasn’t functioning right after update and alarm ringtone was muffled. Menu changing was sped up though. Some other people on this post are right though. Waaaaay too long to update to Froyo when Gingerbread is already out. I’ve read somewhere that delay is due to Samsung considering these types of upgrades as software updates and they charge the Carriers out the ying yang for them and they don’t want to pay. So both Carrier and Manufacturer are to blame in this case. I would LOVE to own this phone some day but I don’t want to wait for 8 to 10 months for updates just for them to be buggy.

      • yes was just updated for everyone who has the fascinate but ive had problems with it ever since. slow and freezing even tried reset still doing it and jumping around almost as if it were to much for it to handle.

      • That’s your fault. Fascinate has Android 2.2

        Original international version of Galaxy S i9000 will be getting Gingerbread support (2.3) at the end of this month.

  2. I’m ready for upgrade NOW..

    I’m on T-Mobile though. I think I’ll snag the G2x, and then maybe the Pyramid (Sensation) when it drops because all we have heard is “summer” so that could be late June or even July.

    I’m stuck between waiting it out with my MyTouch 4G, or just getting the G2x now and then selling them both when the sensation or SGSII drops

    •  The Sensation is scheduled to drop 20 days from today on June 8th for T-mobile. I had a G2x and returned it because it ate 2 sim cards in 6 days, had radio issues, power issues, and clock issues!

    •  The Sensation is scheduled to drop 20 days from today on June 8th for T-mobile. I had a G2x and returned it because it ate 2 sim cards in 6 days, had radio issues, power issues, and clock issues!

  3. The most powerful mobile of 2011.

    And probably into mid 2012. As this phone will be at least on par with Tegra 3 mobiles coming next year. Futureproof too in tech sense.

    Specs are awesome pure rapage, and that is without considering the Super AMOLED PLUS screen that it will be shipped with.

    •  How do you see a dual core as being equal with an updated quad core, display, components, memory, interfaces, radio’s, GPS unit, GPU, battery and PCB seriously, I think Samsung and the carriers are making a big mistake here!

    •  How do you see a dual core as being equal with an updated quad core, display, components, memory, interfaces, radio’s, GPS unit, GPU, battery and PCB seriously, I think Samsung and the carriers are making a big mistake here!

  4. The most powerful mobile of 2011.

    And probably into mid 2012. As this phone will be at least on par with Tegra 3 mobiles coming next year. Futureproof too in tech sense.

    Specs are awesome pure rapage, and that is without considering the Super AMOLED PLUS screen that it will be shipped with.

  5. Elsewhere I mentioned that Samsung Galaxy S II was the phone to beat. That was not becuase of vindictiveness but becuase of my respect and awe for Samsung Galaxy S II. Remember, I DID NOT say iPhone 4 as the phone to beat. Even if Samsung Galaxy S II was introduced today it has enough ammunition to be a hot phone for at least six months (thinness (oh, oh, oh, oh my), dual core Exynos or Tegra 2, Super Amoled Plus screen). If Nokia comes up with something, Samsung has enough resources to match it. Again, go ask any pundit which is the 3G phone to beat and the choice will be near unanimous in favor of Samsung Galaxy S II.

  6. This better be wrong. Well i guess I might have to get a different phone if it doesn’t release earlier. Stupid US carriers

  7. This better be wrong. Well i guess I might have to get a different phone if it doesn’t release earlier. Stupid US carriers

  8. Agree….@Tacjam….can’t wait that long. But, can anyone tell me why HTC (whom I love) doesn’t get with the program of providing a reasonable amount of integrated storage on their phones? Apple 32GB/16GB, Samsung 16GB, HTC 1GB (if that). I don’t understand.

  9. I hope this is a lie. i wont buy htc sensation they said a better versionis coming out Q3 to like wtf. Lg Optimus 2x is looking good right now

  10. With the iphone5 release date estimated to be September Samsung has no incentive to rush to market and plenty of time to tweak the design in foreign markets before releasing in the US.

    • From what I have read and heard of the iphone5, it’s not worth buying over the 4, or 3GS. 4″ screen jammed into the iPhone 4 frame, iPad 2 processor, and a metal or plastic backing, instead of the crummy glass backing.

      I’m switching to a Galaxy S2 as soon as AT&T have them.

  11. I just want samsung to produce another slider like the epic… but with all the newest technology I would love samsung forever!

  12. Does anyone know if the Canadian version of the S II will have quad band HSPA or will they dumb it down as they did in the USA to just 3 bands ?

  13. anyone else have problems after update on their samsung fascinate, ive had nothing but problems since freezing up switching pages on me. Tried resetting with battery helped a little still lots of problems even calling out sometimes.%#&!

  14. Old news guys – you’re slipping and need to pay your writers more. This shit was covered by Android Authority like one month ago

    • maybe you should look at the date this was published rocket scientist… April 14th making it 19 days old by the time you read it, maybe you should stop reading 3 week old articles and getting pissed their not current moron.

    • maybe you should look at the date this was published rocket scientist… April 14th making it 19 days old by the time you read it, maybe you should stop reading 3 week old articles and getting pissed their not current moron.

    • What the hell are you talking about? The US is usually one of the first 1-3 countries to get new technology. It’s us in Canada that always get things dead last, except MAYBE for once not this time. But still there are many electronics that Canada always gets later than the US, most of the time the US gets it and it never comes to Canada, so I wouldn’t be complaining. Also the stuff that does come over to Canada is usually a gimped out version. For example, take a look at the Samung Fascinate. The US had it for such a long time, and it took forever to come to Canada, not only that, they removed the camera flash for the Canadian version. Plus I wouldn’t call the US the “leader” of technology, more than half of the electronics that everyone gets are created and shipped from Japan. You could call the US as the “leader” in consuming (food, gas, power, etc).

      • Mike< you are an idiot< you should see the type of technology other countries like Japan have. 

      • You just repeated what I said you twat. I just said how much technology that Japan has first, yet you type “you are an idiot< you should see the type of technology other countries like Japan have". You just made yourself look like the idiot.

      • Mike< you are an idiot< you should see the type of technology other countries like Japan have. 

      • Is sony still the best? i don’t think so. what technology does japan lead??? porn or animation?? Japan makes second best products now. Asian NAZI is going to be behind of China soon or later.

    • Yeah the U.S. isn’t a technology leader man. Korea is where all these phone’s come from. Countries in Asia man. 

      • These phones are from Korea. It might have been manufactured in China or somewhere but it is the product of Korean Companies. Don’t you know that Samsung(삼성), LG(엘지), Hyundai(현대), Kia(기아), Pantech(팬텍 스카이) is all Korean’s companies?

    • I’m guessing why we are last at a lot of these releases has to do with getting it pass the FCC.  I’m just guessing but I bet the paper work involved is super sized compared to other countries.  If I just made a new product and wanted to start reaping the benefits of it and getting it out I would start with the easiest market and go there first.  I imagine that they probably start the paper work for all of these launches at the same time.   

      • This has been through FFC and cleared more than a month ago.  It is the carrier negotiations that is slowing it down.  Also each us carrier always want the phone customized for just them.  That really slows things down.

    • We’re always the last to get everything because we’re a consumer based country. Meaning, we don’t make anything anymore. All of our manufacturing jobs are overseas. And all of the technology leaders are thinking about their bottom line. If we could make phones like these, the price would be to high to afford. Once we get back to making things, we will all be able to make these phones here and afford them. I think?.? Well, that’s my 2 pennies.

    • Because the US like every other country, has there crap built in China, Malaysia, or South America. And in the shipping pattern from Asia, they ship from there, through Europe, and then the U.S.

  15. I want this cell phone now. Not after it has travelled the globe and come to the u.s., give us first crack at it!

    • For example, the United States government fiscal year for 2011 (“FY 2011” or “FY11”) is as follows:
      1st Quarter: October 1, 2010 – December 31, 20102nd Quarter: January 1, 2011 – March 31, 20113rd Quarter: April 1, 2011 – June 30, 20114th Quarter: July 1, 2011 – September 30, 2011 
      Wikipedia source.
      Usually companies make announcements in Fiscal calendar timing. Since they release their reports in that fashion. Based on most of the rumors, it should be LATE Q3, so mid June or so.

  16. ROFL; that is quite funny. If they wait till Q3, and if you wait until Q3 it removes a lot of the point really at least to me. I say this because from what I am hearing by late Q3 early Q4 the Nexus 3 hits with both a quad core Tegra3, and better internal memory, better or equal screen resolution, better Android (Icecream) and on and on. I like the Galaxy S II a lot, but am most likely going to get a HTC Sensation on T-Mobile and or a EVO 3D on Sprint depending on there release hardware spec.. I think this late release is going to hurt Samsung in the unit numbers because if you wait for a phone like this one you are waiting for top of the line. When that is a part to your should I get this equation it looses a lot of it’s reason if this device release falls as far as there saying. Heck the Samsung Hercules is basically even hardware wise with a bigger better screen(4.5) QHD or whatever/1.2Ghz processor etc. so they defeat themselves!

  17. ROFL; that is quite funny. If they wait till Q3, and if you wait until Q3 it removes a lot of the point really at least to me. I say this because from what I am hearing by late Q3 early Q4 the Nexus 3 hits with both a quad core Tegra3, and better internal memory, better or equal screen resolution, better Android (Icecream) and on and on. I like the Galaxy S II a lot, but am most likely going to get a HTC Sensation on T-Mobile and or a EVO 3D on Sprint depending on there release hardware spec.. I think this late release is going to hurt Samsung in the unit numbers because if you wait for a phone like this one you are waiting for top of the line. When that is a part to your should I get this equation it looses a lot of it’s reason if this device release falls as far as there saying. Heck the Samsung Hercules is basically even hardware wise with a bigger better screen(4.5) QHD or whatever/1.2Ghz processor etc. so they defeat themselves!

    • I agree, I am sick of waiting for this phone. By the time I get it its going to be outdated. When you announce a phone such as this you might as well make sure its ready to go or people wont see the novelty or the reasoning behind it. If there is a phone as powerful as the Nexus 3 coming out around the same time then you are right we might as well wait for that phone then. Honestly I was super excited till I saw confirmation of release date. It is a shame but they are just going to keep losing customers if they play it like this.

    • You wouldn’t want LTE anyways. The battery life on any current LTE phone is just horrendous. Wait for the future because there will be more and better innovations.

  18. I live in Germany and bought this phone today and I love it. Everything about it. I am switching for an HTC Evo to the Galaxy S II and the only thing i wish it did have was the 2.3.4 so it supported video chat. Other than that. I couldnt ask for more in a phone.

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