The talk around Samsung’s upcoming Galaxy Gear smartwatch isn’t slowing down. After hearing multiple rumors about the device, Bloomberg confirmed the September 4th unveil last week, and now the details are starting to flood in. Last week we detailed many of the specs, and today we’re hearing more of the same, as well as tons of other interesting tidbits.

All the hardware details have been revealed this afternoon according to GigaOM, who’s source seems to mirror many of the statements from SamMobile last week. Those being a device rocking a Samsung Exynos dual-core processor, 1GB of RAM, and a 320 x 320 resolution display. Early reports claimed a 1.6-inch display, but today we’re also hearing a 1.1-inch screen will be strapped to your wrist.

The Galaxy Gear smartwatch will not be a “smartphone-like watch” with phone capabilities as some ridiculous rumors reported, and instead will be an extension of the Galaxy device you already own. Today’s tipster details tons of sensors on board, real-time sync using Bluetooth LE to connect and talk with other Galaxy smartphones and tablets, and even integrated speakers. Yes, music from your wrist.


Apparently the strap of the watch will have a 2MP camera integrated, which we’ve heard before, but we’re also being told it will have speakers integrated into the clasp. Then NFC will enable Samsung Beam for authentication methods, as well as various other sharing capabilities. A built-in accelerometer will know when the watch is flicked in a manor that you could be looking at it, and potentially turn on the display for you, which could act as a battery-saving feature.

In addition to all that we can expect the usual array of sensors for a smartwatch. Things to track calories, heart rate, and everything else like a Nike Fuel band and others on the market. It will be a jack of all trades, yet be stylish and simplistic sitting on your wrist.

Lastly the report details how the device will have Samsung’s App Store only, no Google Play, and work closely with other Samsung devices. Anything from emails, messages, open apps like Facebook and Twitter (installed at launch) and more will all sync using Samsung’s proprietary protocols. Read half an email on the watch, it will sync and start where you left off on a smartphone or Galaxy Tablet. Interesting report here to say the least.

We’ll surely see more leaks before the rumored September 4th reveal, and we’ll be live in Berlin with full details when that time comes as well. Stay tuned!


    • Agree. I won’t be able to get one any time soon anyway, but I’m leaning towards Sony’s SmartWatch 2. I liked (and still use) the original. I’m just waiting to see if they’ll be as open with it (for developers) as they were with the original. There aren’t too many apps for it, but there are some nifty ones and I’d like to see if the ones I use now get ported over.

  1. So can we finally stop showing the awesome 3D render from some outside source? Now that we know the display is 320×320 (so Square) and 1.1″ or so diagonal…. We KNOW it isn’t going to look anything like that render and will more than likely look a lot like other square smart watches we have seen on the market.

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