The Google I/O developer conference, which just a day away, may well be the first time we will all get to see a for-real Moto 360. Rumors of the wearable – which curiously and classically takes on a round look rather than the digitally-inclined square shape of other wearables – have been rife, and we may have one more detail from this FCC filing before we actually see the gadget in public.

The Google I/O is where Google is expected to unveil Android Wear, a host of wearable devices and smartwatches that would carry its Android OS. The Moto 360, may ostensibly be part of the Android Wear line, but it is not known as a fact whether the wearable will be officially launched or would be part of some VIP giveaways.

This FCC information gives us a new facet of Motorola’s wearable device, being that it can be charged wirelessly. Actually, the FCC information is for a wireless charger – it was not specifically marked as dedicated for the Moto 360, but we do know that the wearable device was tested with it. That is strong indication that we will get wireless charging with the wearable device.



Because really, charging a watch is something that we all find incongruent. Who charges a watch, right? This will be an issue that the Android Wear line as a whole would have to adjust to and deal with. But the Moto 360’s wireless charging is a step in the right direction, not some crazy idea where you would have to take off your watch and charge it via a stupid charging receptacle. Wait, didn’t someone already do that with a wearable?

VIA: Slashgear


  1. Good, was starting to wonder if the smart was robbed from all these companies when designing watches.
    Seriously, why didn’t my pebble come with wireless charging.
    Time to upgrade if this does.


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