lawsuit - search results

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It appears that our friends over at T-MoNews have been tipped off to a codename of an upcoming HTC device that could be anything, anything at all. That means anything at all, a device, a cheeseburger, an Android robot that follows you around offering you tips on new phones,...
Oh my goodness this is just silly. Apparently, according to HTC's spain Twitter account, they'll be marketing the HTC ChaCha as the HTC ChaChaCha. There are several reasons why this could be happening. The first and most obvious reason is that the HTC ChaCha is currently facing litigation from...
Looks like the Motorola Xoom has already been rooted. It's been released for just one day and Koush as we all know him by has got a Xoom Root Guide already posted online. Since the Xoom is a Google Experience device he said it was a pretty easy device...
So have a look at the following, all you fearful for the future folks: the story we ran yesterday by the name of "Android Faces Massive Lawsuit at Hands of Oracle"? It's been found to be partially BS. Not the title, mind you, since Oracle is indeed still suing...
First of all, if you've got a Nexus S, Nexus One, or Samsung Vibrant - you've got updates on the way. Next, see the Android Faces Massive Lawsuit at Hands of Oracle post to see the situation Google is in with copyright infringement. Fear for the future as ...
Researchers have apparently developed a new low-profile Trojan that runs on the Android OS that can steal data in a very sneaky way that will not trip antivirus software or alert the user to its presence. The malware is known as Soundminer. It monitors your phone calls and records the...
If you'll take a look back at this post: Galaxy S No-Froyo Explained by Samsung Update Fees? you'll know what the heck is going on here. In reply to that post, a post in which an unnamed fellow posting anonymously in hopes of not being identified let loose a...
So you're following along with the epic story of how Galaxy S devices across the board still don't have their long-awaited update to Android 2.2 Froyo, yes? Well take a peek at this - a supposed Samsung inside has come forth (in XDA forums) to say that the reason...
Today was pretty epic. There's a crapstorm going down and it's right in the midst of Samsung and T-Mobile, but mostly Samsung. The Samsung Fascinate is the subject matter and the event is the no-show of an Android 2.2 Froyo update PLUS the telling by a supposed insider of...
If you've been keeping up with this epic debacle with T-Mobile and Samsung regarding the Samsung Vibrant, you know that Samsung AND T-Mobile have been accused of holding back a Froyo update from the Vibrant so that they might have better sales of the Vibrant 4G+. These accusations were...
There is wacky unrest in the streets, Community. The people with their Samsung phones are freaking out, foaming at the mouth, and imagining chewing on the Samsung logo in their minds because they can't think of anything better to do to show their rage! Then they started to get...
Some security analysts over at a firm called Coverity has announced that the Android kernel is riddled with security holes. Despite the issues the analysts claim with the kernel security, they still rank Android higher than most open source OS projects. The company claims to have found flaws in the...