As customary this time of year, OmniROM takes stock of what it has managed to fulfill this year and gives its users a sneak peek at what it’s cooking up for 2014. Unsurprisingly, it’s not a long list, but considering how young the project is, it’s success is quite impressive.
OmniROM is barely three months old, having formally launched in October. It’s birth wasn’t free of controversy, as the project itself is somewhat of a reaction to CyanogenMod‘s new commercial direction. OmniROM, then, tries to start where CyanogenMod left off, focusing on community involvement and openness, both in development and in end features, above all things.
In that short span of time, OmniROM has managed to gather quite a following. In its year end performance report, it claims to have had 90 contributors and 30 nightly builds. It has also managed to introduce new features or improvements over old ones, such as non-intrusive incoming call notifications, better audio management via an enhanced DSP manager, and the somewhat controversial per-app permission control using App Ops. It also scored some points with the open source crowd as well by announcing the OpenDetla OTA updater, which will let users download updates in smaller chunks.
Of course, OmniROM’s work is far from done and the group will face be trying to check off a few todos next year. The custom ROM will definitely have to expand its device roster if it wants to gain mass adoption, appeal, and testing. It will likewise have to match the security and privacy features that are becoming a necessity these days. They might even inject a few UI tweaks here and there to improve the user experience as they see fit. 2014 will definitely be an exciting and busy year for OmniROM and we wish them the best of luck.
OpenDetla = OpenDelta
will face be trying = will face trying