Let’s talk about this situation and see if we can’t piece together a few factoids. First, waaay back at the beginning of this year, a mystery tablet started showing up – one made by Toshiba, having a 10.1-inch screen, and sporting what would become Android 3.0 Honeycomb (testers floating around had Froyo, of course.) Have a look at our big reveal post and continue on – does that look like a tablet that Google would officially endorse as the next step in their flagship series? That very much appears to be what may be happening now!
Our good pals at Metalev have a few clues gathered up that point directly at this device being the next in the Nexus series – Nexus T they’re calling it, and with its NVIDIA Tegra 2 processor, prismatic lithium-ion battery, and 1280 x 800 resolution 16:10 aspect ratio adaptive display, its definitely not out of the question.
What’s a prismatic battery? It’s a big fat battery that has 3 times the life of a standard lithium ion batter in essentially the same package. Besides sounding fantastic, why is this relevant now? Because @googlenexus has a challenge going on with their Twitter followers and the answer to the puzzle on the 2nd of May was PRISMATIC. – this puzzle put together by metalev’s Luke Hutchinson
@googlenexus’ challenge ends right before Google I/O – perhaps some free tablets are in the works for the masses of developers attending?
This tablet has been up for preview at Best Buy for some time now, but without a name and without much branding to go with it. Have a look at the video here and see if you think it’s possible that this is the next in line for Google’s infamous pack of powerful bigtime blasters:
But can it make phone calls?
but will it blend?
damn, why the hell would they go with toshiba for the nexus. The xoom should’ve been android 3.0 nexus. Its cool I can wait for when motorola makes a nexus phone. Hopefully they’re next in line. C’mon nexus x.
XOOM essentially IS a Nexus device, they just didn’t call it that.
Yeah, but they should’ve lol
I heard Motorola lost Google’s “blessing” as a Nexus device because they started adding their own software/skin/etc to the device.
I think you’re right, I’ve been hearing the same rumors for a few weeks now. Too bad there’s no solid evidence yet. If it’s true we’ll know soon.
This is a video from the Toshiba teaser site: http://www.thetoshibatablet.com/
Try to watch the page without flash….
… with it’s NVIDIA…
should be “with its NVIDIA”…
… with it’s NVIDIA…
should be “with its NVIDIA”…
How thick is it? It looks pretty hefty.
I am not sure about this assumption. Just because the Toshiba tablet has a prismatic battery doesn’t make it a Nexus tablet. Isn’t LG supposed to make the Nexus tablet anyway?
What if the LG tablet has a prismatic battery as well? Then the Toshiba tablet would just be a “Toshiba tablet”.
android toy,You will be glad to know that the designs are not that plain and each of them will carry different emotions and this is where Andrew Bell’s work will come handy. Just take a look at the orange one, and you know its a devil’s avatar thrown from hell and packed in 3″ toy (now I am really not sure about the lucky part). While, the green one looks like a office goer (with red tie that only robots can wear at office) and will be perfect companion at you office table. The toys’ head can be moved to desired direction and heads can be raised, so it is not that static dumb. Expects more colors soon!But wait, before you go on to pick up your color cum design, let me tell you can’t do that. Yes, because the toys are blind-boxed meaning you don’t know the color until you open the box. Reminds me of the time when I used open my gift in school time,
If this is true…tegra 2… No thank you for me
but it is time for a nexus tablet. Should have been released first with honeycomb already.
This is a really cool tablet and beats the iPad in almost every category, yet the iPad has it beat in one area. I’m talking about purchasing apps. The iPad apps come from iTunes and most of the tablet that run on Honeycomb use the Android Market. Toshiba uses neither of those two app stores. So you will not be able to purchase your Angry Birds or Cut the Rope because it doesn’t offer those kinds of apps to you.
This tablet is going to have access to Android Market – not sure where you heard otherwise.
The Best Buy link says it’ll have a Toshiba App Market.
That doesn’t exclude access to other app markets, does it?
While it doesn’t exclude access to other app markets, Nexus devices only have Google apps installed, so an alternate app market would exclude it from being a Nexus device.
Just use Amazon’s App store
Yes it will have access to the Android market. it is Android 3.0. And really the app store is the only thing you apple fan boys can bring up anymore. Because atomic fart and shorting digital guns is why I am buying a tablet right??? Sorry, but Androids app market has most to everything necessary without all the junk, oh and supports flash btw.
Yes it will have access to the Android market. it is Android 3.0. And really the app store is the only thing you apple fan boys can bring up anymore. Because atomic fart and shorting digital guns is why I am buying a tablet right??? Sorry, but Androids app market has most to everything necessary without all the junk, oh and supports flash btw.
it looks very ugly. they can do better than that.
it looks very ugly. they can do better than that.
I have a hard time believing the Best Buy version would be a Google-blessed Nexus device, if it comes sporting a “Toshiba App Market”.
Nexus T? Use something else for the name.
Why does my droid tablet keep popping up that something fail to try again, and I cant access anything.