Feedly is one of the Top 5 News Readers for Android. And just recently, its developer has pushed out a new version for Android. It’s still the same reliable reader app but has been enhanced to support higher resolution images. The app now features new settings theme that follows Material Design–the Holo Light and Material Light. Feedly URL shortening has retired and a new Twitter sharing has be introduced. As with most app updates, the new Feedly promises fewer freezes and crashes.
This reading tool is a popular choice not just among Android users but also among iOS device owners. Ever since Google Reader vanished, Feedly proved to be a very nice alternative for mobile users who want to be updated with their favorite blogs, tumblr sites, websites, RSS feeds, and YouTube channels. It’s up to you to curate and include which sites you want to read.
Aside from being an effective reading tool, Feedly allows you to discover new great blogs, Youtube channels, and websites to add to your feed. With the app, you can easily read the things you want and need to know in one place. No need to visit different sites or search YouTube for new videos because Feedly can show all your favorites for the day.
Feedly for Android still uses RSS feeds. It’s an open system so you can add as many RSS feeds as you like. To add a feed you want to follow, simply enter the URL in the search bar. As with any reading app, Feedly can be integrated with other social apps like Twitter, Facebook, Buffer, Evernote, LinkedIn, and Pinterest so you can share content easily with your contacts. The Feedly Team also promised a simpler and speedier app so you’re assured of a better reading experience.
And if you are searching for inspiration for your life, work, or business, you can also search through Feedly to browse new blogs or topics under different categories. You are sure to find new stuff under photography, design, cooking, tech, marketing, business, or entrepreneurship among others.
Download Feedly from the Google Play Store
SOURCE: Feedly