As the date closes by, more and more people are getting anxious to get their hands on the Motorola DROID. Some of those people, if not all, are disappointed that their new Android device from Big Red will not have multitouch capabilities, as the European version.
Well, the Europeans will be jealous of their American counterpart on the fact that the MILESTONE does not have support for the new Google Maps Navigation Beta. Which is a turn-by-turn navigation application that supports voice guidance, search-by-voice and automatic re-routing complete with traffic information. And is supposed to come to (almost) all the Android 2.0 devices near you.
A Google spokesperson has told our good friends over at SlashGear that the reason turn-by-turn directions is absent from the Motorola MILESTONE is because currently, the beta is US-only. So there you have it folks, it seems like the European Android 2.0 devices will not be getting this new feature from Google Maps, at least not now. In case you missed it, check this post for more info on Google Maps Navigation Beta. There, you will find a photo gallery and a video of the turn-by-turn directions.