Via their update page, Motorola seems to be committing to Android 4.4 on a large scale. If the site is correct, not only will the flagship Moto X see an update to KiKat, but so will the DROID lineup. There are also a few older devices which should see a bump, though we’re not so sure about that.
Both the Moto X carrier edition and Developer Editions will see a bump to Android 4.4. The newest family of DROIDS will as well, with the older versions being left to enjoy Jelly Bean. Interestingly enough, some older (forgotten) devices will see an update as well, though not to KitKat.
The Xyboard lineup for Verizon — yes, Xyboard — is set to receive an update this winter as well. The Xyboard 8.2 will sneak up to Android 4.1.2, while the Xyboard 10.1 is going to get Android 4.1. Other tablets for Verizon, like the Xoom, will not receive an upgrade.
Good news for Motorola customers, though unlike HTC, no timeframe was offered. We’d like to think that since Motorola is a Google company, they’ve somehow had Android 4.4 for some time, and we’ll see an update soon. That’s probably not the case, though, since Google is good to treat Motorola like a separate entity. Either way, updates are coming.
Ha! My wife has the 8.2. I actually really like it even though it’s on 4.0. Going to 4.1.2 will make a huge difference.